Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Eight-Already Gone

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2010-11-08 - Updated: 2010-11-09 - 908 words - Complete

A week has past since I have talk to the doctor I finally made my choice I am leaving. I thought about it for a week now I finally realize that leaving would be for the first. I had to move on from this place I had to start new, but yet my heart was breaking by the minute. I wanted to run to the doctor and tell him I change my mind but I just kept quiet. Today would be my last day at the asylum I was leaving in a few hours so I spent my last hours sitting on the brick wall.

Gerard and his friend was out here I think they follow me everywhere I go, some how I’ll be alone and next thing I know their behind me. Gerard does not know I am leaving and I want it to be the way until the doctor comes to get me. It is not as if he would care any way, I just keep looking out towards the sky.

My thoughts go back to the first day I met Gerard the first thought I had about him, from the first time I realize I was in love with him. I will not lie I still love him but it is clear that he no longer loves me, this is why I must leave. If I stayed here I would never get better I would keep going down because my mind would always be on Gerard, so this was for the best.

I was not planning on meeting any else, I was still feared of strangers so it would be no problem to stay away from everyone. I would miss this place I would miss everything about it from coming out here watching the sunset from missing Gerard. Deep down something was telling me this would be a bad idea, but I was not longer going to care. I heard the door open I turn around to see the doctor; I guess it was my time to leave.

“It’s time to go Frank, it’s time to go to the airport, “The doctor said.

I just nodded I would be flying to California; Stacy would be coming with me on the plane ride. She was only coming so I would feel a little bit safe but I was still afraid. I got down from the wall and started walk towards the doctor.

“You asshole you fucking yelling at me for leaving and yet here you are leaving, “Gerard yelled behind me.

“I’m leaving to get away from you, it’s fucking clear you no longer give a damn about me. So why don’t you just be with your fucking girlfriend and leave me the hell alone, “I yelled in angry.

I never picture for this to happen I never wanted to leave with us on bad terms but somehow it happen that way. It was all lies I was not leaving to get away from him I was leaving so I would no longer be in pain while he act as if he did not care.

“She’s not my girlfriend, she my friend. You are the only one who I cared about; you are the only person I loved so damn much, “He said I could hear the hurt in his voice. It was killing me to hear him like this, I just wanted to hug him, I wanted that safe feeling again.

“You were going to leave me also, I cannot do this without but you’re leaving. I have to leave so I won’t be in pain when you are gone, but the pain is already here. I never stop loving you, “I cried out. I felt the tears going down my face.

“It’s not like I want to leave but I have too the doctors won’t let me stay if I am better. I just want you to know I will never stop loving you Frank, you will always be mine, “He replied.

I could no longer take it I ran towards him I ran into his arms, all my angry was long gone. I cried I did not won’t to leave but it was too late I had to leave.

“I love you too and I always will, promise me when you get better you’ll find me, “I said while looking up at him.

“ I promise Frank I’ll do whatever it takes to find you, I’ll never let you go, “ He said while the tears proud down his face.

I felt his kiss the top of my head I did not won’t to leave his arms but I could hear the doctor calling me to leave. I let go of him this would be the last time I would see him again for a long time, or even forever. I slowly walk towards the doctor before heading in. Before I even knew it I was in the van heading towards the airport, I lay down on the sit crying. I slowly went to sleep thinking about him.

Again sorry for the long wait. Classes have taken over my life. But good news after the 23 of this month I'm going to be on break until next year, so lot of updates will happen. Thanks for the reviews. And please check out my other story called "A Year To Live"
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