Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Day Nine-Royal Park

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-11-11 - Updated: 2010-11-11 - 702 words - Complete

I finally arrived at Royal Park the van pulled up to the gate this place was beyond big. The whole place was made out of bricks it seem like it was new, it look more like an house. There were black gates around the window where you can sit out on. The van pulled up to the front were the door was fear was already building up in me. Stacy would be staying with me for two months the doctor thinks it will make me less afraid. Having Stacey here would make me feel less afraid knowing there was someone here who I knew, but the only person I want is Gerard.

Stacey and I headed inside the building it was even bigger on the inside. There was a doctor waiting for us, he was very tell with short brown hair he look very young. I stood by Stacey, strangers and I do not mix.

“Hello Frank. I am Doctor Mark, “Doctor Mark said.

“Hello, “I whisper.

“I’m going to show you were you will be staying; there are no rules when you have to be in your room. You cannot go outside after 12am. If you have any questions or anything, you can always come to me, “The doctor said as we started walking down the hallway.

I just nodded my head I did not feel like talking back, we finally got to my room. The doctor open my door I step inside my room, I was taken back. My room was beyond big the walls were a tan color; my bed was a queen size. My window was big it had a little sundeck on it my floors were wooden.

“Wow,” I whisper out in shock.

“So I take it you like it, “The doctor ask.

“I love it, “I said while still looking room.

“I’m glad you love it, Stacey and I are going to go talk. You just get take it easy for a few days, and then after we’ll talk about the plans on getting you better. You can go look around or do what you want, “The doctor replied.

I shock my head again Stacey and the doctor headed out while closing the door behind them. I was still looking around my room it was beyond nice, I had a flat screen TV on top of the dresser. I started to like it here but I still miss Gerard nothing could ever replace him. After looking around for a few minutes I headed out, I probably would not last out here but I wanted to give it a try.

This place was beautiful there was tons of windows so it was never dark in here, there was not a lot people here. Many rooms were empty I headed down one hallway looking through the rooms and windows. I was so busy looking around I did not see where I was going I bump right into someone.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t even paying any attention where I was going, are you alright, “The person ask me.

I look up to see a guy with short brown hair that covered his eyes; his eyes were a light clear blue. His skin was pale but yet a little tan, he was skinny. He had a lip ring, I hate to say it but he was beautiful.

“It’s not your fault I was not looking were I was going either, “I said. I could not believe I was talking to a stranger but I did not feel like I needed to be afraid of him.

“It’s okay. So are you new here, “The guy ask.

“Yeah I just got here a few minutes ago, “I replied.

“I got here yesterday, my name is Tyler, “Tyler said.

“I’m Frank, “I relied.

“I could show you around if you want to this is, “He asks in shyness.

“Okay sure, “I said in shyness also.

I still did not understand why I was not afraid of Tyler I should be but it was like all my fear went away, I had a feeling I was going to like this place.

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