Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

One Week-Afraid

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-08 - Updated: 2010-12-09 - 696 words - Complete

A week has gone by since I arrived at Royal Park. Tyler and I have been hanging out a lot over the week I still do not understand why I am not afraid of him. Maybe I am getting over my fear of strangers or maybe it is just him. I never forgot about Gerard I would never I still love him I guess I just miss him so much that by spending time with Tyler will take the pain away. Tyler does not seem gay anyway so I have nothing to worry about; today Stacey wanted us to talk. I was sitting in her new office it was way bigger then the one at the asylum.

“Hello Frank, how have you been, “Stacey asks while sitting in front of me.

“Hey. I’ve been okay I guess, still getting use to being here, “I replied.

“It will take time to get use to being here. I seen you have been spending a lot of time with Tyler, “She said.

“Yeah. I miss Gerard so much I guess by spending time with Tyler I think it will take the pain away, but it never helps. I also do not understand why I am not afraid of him, “I replied.

“Since you have gotten use to Gerard your fear of strangers is slowly going away, like you said you’re wanting the pain of missing Gerard to go away. So your mind is set to get rid of the pain and forget all about your fear, “She explains.

I never thought it like that my mind was set on getting rid of the pain but I knew deep down it would never be gone not until I finally see Gerard again.

“Do you think what I’m doing is wrong, “I ask.

“No it is not wrong, you’re not hurting anyone. You made a new friend if this was last year you would have went insane, but this is good. Have you told Tyler about Gerard, “She asks.

The truth is I never told Tyler about Gerard or even the fact I was gay it never cross my mind, I did not know if you would understand or hate the fact that I was gay. I feared that if I told him he would not longer be my friend, but it also sounded like I was ashamed of what I was which was not true.

“No I never told him anything. It’s not that I am ashamed I just fear on how Tyler would take it,” I replied.

“It’s okay to be afraid I mean you can only time Tyler when you are ready, if you are not ready to tell him then that is okay. Just tell Tyler in your own time, “She said.

Two hours went by before I left Stacey’s office I know I should tell Tyler I was gay and that I had a boyfriend but fear was taken over. I did not won’t to lose the only friend I had here I was finally opening up to people, and if I told Tyler I was gay all of that could be taken away. I made my way towards the big sundeck this place had, as I went outside I saw Tyler sitting on one of the tables. I walk towards the table and sit down in the chair.

“Tyler there is something I need to tell you, “I said in fear.

“Alright, what it is, “Tyler asks.

“Tyler I’m gay, “I whisper. I was waiting on it I was waiting for him to yell and run away. But nothing happen.

“Frank I don’t care if you’re gay, I’m gay also, “He said while looking at me.

“You are, “I said while being shock.

“Yes I am, I was going to tell you but like you I was afraid, “He replied.

“Well at least I am not alone, “I said with a smile.

In that moment I knew this was going to be bad, something was going to happen.

Again soooooo sorry :(. I'm a bad person I know. Forgive me? Thanks for the reviews.
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