Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Should Just Tell Him

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-16 - Updated: 2010-12-17 - 616 words - Complete

Another long week has past since Tyler told me he was gay I am really glad I made a friend, and that his gay too. But that fact that his gay does scare me I’m afraid since we are both gay something might happen, I have Gerard I am not going to mess this up. Tyler has been hanging around with me a lot, there is not moment when we are not together other then when we go to bed. I just hope he knows we are just friends. Today Stacey wanted to talk to see how I was doing; tomorrow the doctor was going to talk to me about me getting better and what the plan was.

“So Frank did you tell Tyler about you being gay, “Stacey ask.

“Yes I did. I found out that his gay also, “I replied.

“How did that make you feel, “She asks while writing in her notebook.

“At first surprise I was not expecting him to say that, then I was happy. But over the last couple of days, I started to worry, “I said.

“Why is that, “She ask while looking back up at me.

“I’m afraid he’ll start to like me more the just a friend, over the last two weeks we have been together every minute. His a great friend I am surprise that I made a friend, I want to keep it that way. I have not told him about Gerard though, “I replied.

“Maybe if you tell Tyler about Gerard then he would get the message that you are taken or tell him you just want to make sure that you two are just friends nothing more. It is okay to feel like that Frank, but in time, you do need to tell him, “She said.

“What if it hurts him or maybe he thinks I am leading him on, “I ask.

“All you can do is tell him how you feel he will understand if he is your true friend then he will understand Frank, but it is up to you if you tell Tyler or not, “She replied.

Stacey was right I did need to tell him that I only saw him as a friend nothing more, but over the last two weeks have been great. When I first saw him, I did think he was beautiful which he is but I have someone who I love very much. Maybe the pain of missing Gerard is making me feel this way, but I do know I cannot do anything stupid I was never forgive myself.

If I told Tyler the truth about having a boyfriend and he would be crush, I would also never forgive myself. I should have told him everything when I told him I was gay but I never did. I want to be friends with Tyler he is a great guy I just don’t won’t nothing more. After talking to Stacey, I left her office I headed outside to find Tyler sitting at one of the tables.

“Hey Frank, “Tyler said with a smile.

“Hey Tyler, “I replied while sitting down in a chair.

“How did it go with Stacey, “He asks while looking at me.

“It went great just talking about my boring life as usually, “I lied.

I hated that I lied but I just couldn’t say I was talking about him I did not won’t him to think of something that was not true. I needed to tell him I had a boyfriend before feelings started to form. And I was not just talking about Tyler either.

Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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