Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Now Would Be A Good Time

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-18 - Updated: 2010-12-18 - 684 words - Complete

Three days have past I still haven’t told Tyler I have a boyfriend I know I should but for some reason I just cannot. Yesterday the doctor explain to me the plan for getting me better, three times a week I had to do test to face my fears. So every day it was going to be something new the doctor did not tell me, I wish he would it just makes me more afraid.

Today was the first time getting over my fear of the dark; I was going to be left alone in a room with no light. The doctor’s were not going to behind a wall I was going to be alone; I had to see how long I could make it. The doctor left me alone in the room before turning out the light it was beyond dark. The room was big; it had white walls and nothing else. I could hear voices passing by the door but soon after I heard, nothing be silent.

My heart starting to beat fast I could feel my hands shaking it has been a while since I face my fear of the dark, I could not do this again. All my hard work for facing my fear of the dark was gone fear was winning. I tried to think of happy thoughts my mind went to Gerard. I wonder if he was all right if he even misses me. My heart was slowly breaking I was missing him so much it started to hurt.

I wanted him here with me I needed him here I finally realize that I have been using Tyler. In my mind, I kept thinking Tyler could replace the hurt of missing Gerard but I just made things worst. Tyler is a good friend who I want to keep being friends with, I just cannot see him as anything more.

Before I even knew it the door opens the doctor walk in while turning on the lights, I made it once again. I forgot all about being left alone in the dark.

“Well done Frank I’m proud of you, “The doctor said.

“I’m proud of me too, at first I thought I was not going to make it but my mind went to something else to help me stay clam, “I said.

“ Then that’s the answer anytime you are left alone in the dark just think of something that takes your mind off the dark, “ The doctor replied.

I never thought of it like that the doctor was right anytime I am left alone in the dark I can just think of something to take my mind off the dark. I left the room feeling happy about myself; I think I was slowly getting over my fear of the dark.

I wanted to tell Tyler that good news but at the same time I also needed to tell him, I had a boyfriend just so everything would be clear. I headed towards the sundeck he was like Gerard Tyler loved staying outside. I open the doors to see Tyler sitting at one of the tables; I went towards the table to sit down.

“Hey Frank, how did the test go, “Tyler ask.

“Hey. I face my fear of the dark again, I finally realize if I am left alone in the dark that I can think of something to take my mind off the dark and I’ll be alright, “ I replied.

I told Tyler about why I was sent here a couple of days ago he did not judge me. He was sent here because he feared of being left alone with strangers also; it was nice to have someone who feared the same thing.

“Well that’s good I’m glad you’re getting over your fear. But Frank there is something I need to tell you, “He said nervously

“Okay, what is it, “I ask.

“Please don’t freak, but I think I like you, “He whisper out.

Now would be a good time to tell him.

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