Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Just Sat No

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-18 - Updated: 2010-12-18 - 656 words - Complete

My mind ran blank as if the words just left my mind. I knew I should have told him from the first day I had someone but I never did. I wanted to let him know I did not see him that way but I also did not won’t to hurt his feelings, this would be a good time to just ran away. I knew I had to do the right thing before something bad happens.

“Why do you say that, “I ask.

“ From the moment I saw you I got this weird feeling but played it off, I can’t explain how I feel or if this is just a stupid crush, “ Tyler said while looking down.

“Maybe it is just a stupid crush, “I replied.

Why could I just not tell him that I had someone, all I had to say was sorry I have a boyfriend. But it was like the words would not come out of my mouth. I was not ashamed to tell someone I had a boyfriend so why couldn’t I just tell Tyler.

“I take it you don’t like me that way, “He said while looking at me.

“Tyler I have to say this, I have a boyfriend. I wanted to tell you but I just never did and I also didn’t won’t to hurt your feelings, “I said.

And just like that I felt way better I was beyond happy I finally told him I knew I should have said something a long time ago but I just kept brushing it off. I look at Tyler to see the sadness in his eyes, all my happiness went away.

“Tyler I’m sorry I can’t tell you how sorry I am for not telling you. At first I thought you wouldn’t like the fact I was gay until I found out you were gay too. I don’t know why I did not say something then again I am sorry, “I said hoping he would forgive me.

“It’s okay I mean why would you like me anyway, all the guys I have like only saw me as a friend, “He said while looking away from me.

“Tyler you will find someone in time, it just takes times, “I said.

I felt bad for not telling him sooner I was afraid something bad like this would happen, I also felt like I let Gerard down by not saying something in the first place.

“I know it’s just I hate being alone, I’ve been alone for so long I hate it, “He replied.

I did not know what to say all I could do was feel bad I felt like this was my fault like if I would just have said something early then none of this would be happing.

“I’m sorry Tyler. But who knows maybe it is just a stupid crush I mean you said it yourself, maybe it is just the fact we have been spending time together that you started to have feelings for me, “I said trying to explain.

“Yeah maybe who knows, “He said with sadness in his voice.

“Tyler I am sorry, “I said hoping he would believe me.

“I know it’s not your fault. But can I ask you a question, “He asks.

“Yeah sure, “I replied.

“Could I just kiss you to see if this is just a stupid crush, I know you have someone but I just want to know, “He replied.

I look at me him not knowing what to do part of me did feel like I said just because I wanted to make him happy, but the other part feared he would fall for me even more. I can’t I have Gerard to think about I could never live with myself if I kiss Tyler. My mind was yelling at me saying,

Just say no.
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