Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

To Feel Happy

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-18 - Updated: 2010-12-18 - 605 words - Complete

Minutes seem to past which felt like hours my mind went blank. I felt bad for Tyler I mean it was kind of my fault for not telling him in the first place but I would never feel right kissing him when I had someone I loved so much. I was torn of what I should really do my mind was screaming for me to just do it that it felt like I owed him that much but my heart was yelling for me to just say no, that it was beyond wrong to kiss someone when I had a boyfriend.

“Tyler I can’t if I didn’t have a boyfriend then I would but I wouldn't feel right, “I said in hoping he would understand.

“I know you do and I understand but what if this isn’t a stupid crush, I just wanted to be sure, “Tyler said while looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

I felt like he was trying everywhere to guilt me into kissing him which was kind of working, I did feel bad for him. But I had Gerard to think about I could not kiss someone when my heart belong to him. I was angry with myself for not telling Tyler that I had someone in the first place, if I would have just told him we would not be here right now.

“Tyler I do feel bad I really do I hope you believe me, but I just can’t. If I kiss you I could not live with myself because I know I would be hurting Gerard and that’s something I could not do, “I replied.

“How do you know Gerard isn’t doing the same thing, “Tyler asks.

My eyes just glared at him I understand that he was sad that I didn’t tell him about Gerard but he doesn’t have the right to say that. I know Gerard would never do something like that to me, but then again he was getting along with the girl very good.

“Because I know he wouldn’t, you can’t just guilt me into kissing you Tyler. I am trying to show you that I am sorry but after that, I cannot, “I said while getting up to leave.

I was angry that Tyler was trying to guilt me into kissing him I did feel bad I won’t lie about that but that didn’t mean I felt so bad I was going to kiss him. This was were I wish I would have went insane from the day I met him but ever since I have been working on my fear of strangers I no longer feel the need to go insane.

“Frank I’m sorry, but don’t lie and say you have not thought about it. Gerard is at the old asylum and you’re here, what makes you think he hasn’t met someone else,” Tyler said while following me.

“Because I know he would never do anything like, I trust him. For the first time I trust someone I never trusted someone before until now. Because for the first damn time I fell in love with someone, something I never thought I could do. It would kill me if I kiss you knowing I would hurt him, I have been hurt so many damn times I know how it feels, if you are my friend you will understand, “I said before walking back inside.

And for the first time in weeks, since I have been here I felt happy.

Third update :). Thanks for the reviews.
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