Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Maybe One Day

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-18 - Updated: 2010-12-19 - 717 words - Complete

Two days have past since that whole thing with Tyler I have not seen him since. I think it is better off that way for a while. I want to be friends with him but not if he has feelings for me, I know if I keep hanging with him that it will that much harder for him to move on. Over the last couple of days I have been talking to the doctor about when I was going to start getting over my fear of strangers, I know that I was still somewhat afraid. I never understood why I was not afraid of Tyler when I first met him, I guess being with Gerard made me realize that I shouldn’t always be afraid.

I still feared being touch by strangers the only person who ever touch me was Gerard and that is because I trust him. Tomorrow I would be talking to the doctor to see what I was going to do in order to get over my fear. I was talking to Stacey it has bee a couple of days since I talk to her last, I always felt kind of better when I talk to her. I still did not think she helps me a lot but in some ways I have realize she has been helping me some.

“So Frank did you ever tell Tyler about Gerard, “Stacey ask.

“Yes I did, and to find out he like’s me more then a friend. I finally told him about Gerard and I could tell he was hurt. He wanted me to kiss him to see if his feelings was just a crush or was it for real, I told him I could not do that, I haven’t seen him in two days after that, “ I replied.

“I think it was good that you finally told Tyler the truth. And I am proud of you for not kissing him that it shows how much you do care for Gerard. I know you felt bad for hurting Tyler but he does need to understand you only see him as a friend. I think in time Tyler will see, “She said while looking at me.

“ I told Tyler I couldn’t live with myself if I had kiss him, all I could see was Gerard and I knew if I had kiss Tyler I would be hurting Gerard. I do not think I could have kiss Tyler anyway I still fear of being touch, “I said while looking at Stacey.

“I know it was hard for you to tell Tyler and that you do feel bad for hurting Tyler. And again, it was good of you to not kiss Tyler. In time Tyler will see how sorry to you are and maybe later on you two can be friends. I think you fear of being touch because you think that only who touches you will hurt you, besides Gerard he as been the only person who is allowed to touch you, but if you keep working on your fear you will no one wants to hurt you, “ Stacey replied.

About two hours went by before I left her office I felt better about talking about what had happen. I did hope Tyler and me could be come friends later on I just know right now is not a good time. I also knew deep down if I see Gerard ever again I do need to tell him everything that has been going on here. I can’t lie to him I have to tell him everything has been going on. I also hope Tyler will want to be friends later on.

I was walking back to my room when I saw a lot of nurses rush down the hallway I walk down the hallway to see what was going on, I saw nurses and doctor’s all in Tyler’s room. My heart had stop I ran down the hallway to see what was going on. As I got closer, I saw something or someone laying on the floor. Just then, I realize it was Tyler laying on his floor in his own blood.

This is my Christmas persent for everyone, updating a lot. And I will keep updating. Thanks for the reivews. Review?
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