Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Feel Bad

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-19 - Updated: 2010-12-19 - 679 words - Complete

My mind ran blank all I could see was Tyler’s body laying on the floor with blood, it was very much but enough to be notice. The doctor’s kept trying to stop the bleeding the nurses kept trying to see if it was even still alive, all I could do was watch. No one notice I was even here, next thing I knew the doctor’s were wheeling Tyler’s body out of his room I guess he was still alive. I look at him as he past by his was pale white it was as if he was already dead. I watch as the doctor’s wheeled him down the hallway until I could no longer see.

Two days have went by since Tyler tried to kill his self Stacey told me he was alive and that he was doing alright. I did not feel bad for him he was his fault I wasn’t the one who told him to slit his writes. I was glad that he was alive but I did not feel sorry for him I just couldn’t. Today I was talking to Stacey she wanted to know how I felt about this whole thing.

“Frank how do you feel about this whole thing, “Stacey ask.

“I don’t feel sorry for him at all I mean I’m happy that his alive but not sorry. I think he done this because of what happen between us, “I said while looking at her.

“I understand were you’re coming from but Frank, Tyler is sick. Some days his so happy and other days he tries to do this. This is why he is here; it is not a cry for help or anything like that. It’s just Tyler is sick that is all I can say, it had nothing to do with you, “She replied.

That change everything I guess Tyler lied so he wouldn’t have to tell the truth of why he was here, I guess he didn’t won’t me to know. I understand that I think I would have done the same, I kind feel bad for him now that I know the truth. I know he cannot help that he does things like that, his just sick.

“He never told me this I guess he just didn’t won’t me to know, “I said.

After I talk to Stacey, I left her office heading towards the outside I felt safe outside I guess because it reminded me of Gerard. I miss him every day there is not a minute were I do not think about him. Once I got outside, I headed towards the brick wall, climbing on top to sit down.

I thought about all the things that had happen in my life, how I went from an insane person who was scared of everyone. Then I met Gerard who change all of that showing me it was alright to let people that not everyone is going to hurt you. I slowly got over my fear of the dark still not over it all the way but getting there.

And then how I hated strangers then now I am slowly getting over that fear, soon I will be leaving this place going into the real world. Deep down I was afraid I would not make it that I could go back to the old me that I would be afraid of my fears. In some ways I thought I could do this, I could finally live a normal life if I just put my mind to it, and if Gerard kept his word. I was changing into someone who I was afraid of but at the same time started to like the new me; I just hope it would last.

Thanks for the reviews. Just to ler everyone know there are errors in this story, I know. This story is old and arleady written out. I've been trying to fix them but know I haven't got them all, so please forgive me.
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