Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum


by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-19 - Updated: 2010-12-20 - 685 words - Complete

A week has gone by since Tyler had tried to kill his self today he would be coming back. I have not seen him since I want to be friends with him to show him I do care and help him out anyway I can. I mean before I knew he was sick I didn’t feel sorry for him because I thought he did it because of me, but when Stacey told me he was sick and that this is something he can not help I started to feel bad for him, I know it cannot be easy. I have been working on my fears so far I have been able to sit alone in the dark for 30 minutes or more, still working on being alone with strangers.

I was sitting outside when I heard the door open I turn to see Tyler, he look better. His skin was a normal color he smiled. He walk over towards me were I was sitting and sat down.

“So I guess you know what happen, “Tyler said

“Stacey told me, “I said while looking at him.

“I just wanted you to know it was nothing about you or anything like that. Some days I’m happy, everything is going great, and other days are bad, and something things like this happen. I didn’t want you to know in case you didn’t won’t to be my friend, “He replied.

“Tyler I’m not going judge you, it’s something you can’t help. I’m just glad your okay, “I said.

“I’m doing better then what I was I’m slowly getting better it just takes time, and I want to be your friend. I finally realize that I just had a crush on you, and that now I see you as a friend. So can we be friends, “He asks.

“Of course I care for you Tyler you’re the first friend I had in a long time, I understand. Just know if you ever feel like doing that again you can talk to me, “I replied.

“Thanks I feel better about that now. It’s hard for me to talk about my problems it takes time for me to open up, but I’m learning to talk about my feelings and my problems one step at a time, “ He said.

We spent an hour talking it was nice to talk again when Tyler told me he no longer had a crush on me, I felt somewhat sad I had no idea why. I should be happy knowing he just wants to be friends but that didn’t happen. It is not as if I like Tyler when I first saw him I thought he was beautiful I still think his pretty but I should not be thinking about him like that. I just had to get those thoughts out of my mind.

Month Later

A month has gone by since I have been here today I was doing another test about my fear of the dark. I was sitting in a room the lights were off. I could feel my hands shake my heart was beating fast I don’t know why I started to feel like this, I have been doing so well. I finally could no longer take I ran out of the room; I just wanted to feel safe again.

I had no idea were I was running to or even why I was running I just knew I wanted to feel safe. Without looking I ran into someone, I look up to see Tyler.

“Frank what’s wrong, “He asks while holding on to me.

“The doctor had me do another test about my fear of the dark, for some reason I failed I could no longer take it, “I said while trying to catch my breath.

Tyler put his arms around me and hug me, I hated myself for feeling it but for the first time in a month, I felt safe.

Thanks for all the reviews. And I also updated 365 Days,so check it out.
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