Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is Where It Starts

Beauty In The Breakdown

by kenzoid 2 reviews

Babette recovers from a hangover and deals with Elodie. But will she have gone too far this time?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-11-10 - Updated: 2010-11-10 - 876 words - Complete

I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache and very vague memories. I opened my bleary eyes to see Gerard blinking at me like some sort of cute little cat. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face and I couldn’t fight the smile that was creeping across my face.

“Good morning Babes.” Gerard smiled at me warmly.

“Ugh, what happened last night?” I groaned in reply. Gerard grimaced.

“Well, you got really drunk off Long Island ice tea and started throwing up and crying. Then we went down here and found Mikey and Elodie in bed together. And then you cried some more and fell asleep.” Gerard said, trying to put it gently.

“MIKEY AND ELODIE HOOKED UP?” I shouted, snapping upright. I was slashed with a searing pain behind my eyes, making me want to gouge them out. I slowed down and held my aching forehead.

“Calm down. Take it easy. Mikey already dropped Elodie off at home. They said it was a one time thing.” Gerard explained, sitting up and cradling me like a toddler. I groaned again and we sat like that for a long time.

“I am gonna beat her within an inch of the baby’s life.” I grumbled sourly.

“Do you want something for your head?” Gerard asked, ignoring my last violent statement. I nodded and he went to the bathroom to get some Tylenol. He brought it back and sat down with me as I swallowed the two pills.

“I’m sorry I was such a mess last night.” I apologized, hunching my shoulders forward. Gerard put his arm around me and hugged me.

“Its okay. I should’ve warned you about the drink.” He apologized too. We sat there again for a long time and I felt even sleepier than I had before.

“What time is it?” I asked after I yawned loudly.

“About ten AM. You can go back to sleep if you want.” He offered kindly. I yawned again and laid down on my side, with my back to him. He laid down next to me and wrapped me up in his arms. It was so comforting just to cuddle with him like this, knowing he was protecting me. All my worries fell to the way side and I drifted off again.

“Babes, hey. Time to wake up.” Gerard mumbled in my ear. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and glanced at the alarm clock. It was twelve o’clock.

“Mmmmm….” Was all I could manage to grumble out, still dizzy from sleep.

“Wakey wakey!” Gerard encouraged. I sat up and scratched my head. I could feel my hair and it was something I didn’t want to deal with right now so I took my hand back down.

“I need a hair brush.” I mumbled, pulling myself from the bed and waddling into Gerard’s bathroom. I hacked at my hair until it was neat and told Gerard that I just wanted to go home.

“Are you sure you don’t want to eat anything?” he asked cautiously.

“If I eat, I’ll just throw it all up.” I warned. “Just please get me home.”

“I’m gonna kill Elodie.” I said as we walked to the front door. Gerard was apprehensive, but I was fuming. I burst through it to find Elodie and Xerxes on the couch watching TV.

“What is wrong with you?” I growled at her. She looked over with one eyebrow raised.

“What are you talking about?” she asked. But then she smirked a little when she realized what I was talking about. “Oh, you mean me fucking Mikey’s brains out?

“Shut up!” I snapped at her. “What is wrong with you? What are you thinking? You’re pregnant and your slutting around with my boyfriend’s brother?” I started in on her. She stood up angrily.

“Don’t call me that!” she shouted at me.


“Shut up okay! It was a one time thing!” she said defensively. Gerard crept out of the room, but we didn’t really notice.

“Elodie, you are the dumbest, sluttiest, most immature little snot I have ever met! You need to shape up or-or.” I threatened.

“Or what? You’ll throw me out? Just like mom? Just like my baby’s father? Huh?” Elodie fire back before I could finish. Her eyes were filling with tears and they soon spilled over.

“All I wanted was for somebody to love me for me! And to say no when I offered it to them! I am nothing but a whore! Mom doesn’t want me, the father of my child doesn’t want me, and now you. Fuck you Babs! Fuck you and your stupid, self-righteous attitude. Fuck! You!” Elodie sobbed angrily.

“Ell, wait… I shouldn’t have called you that.” I began softly. I had gone too far, said too much. It wasn’t my place to say things like that to her.

“No, shut up!” she shrieked before storming out of the room.

I had done it again.
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