Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cherry Blossom

Destruction Of Your Lover

by Moribund 2 reviews

Crikey! The rozzers! Frank has to talk to some policemen.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-11-16 - Updated: 2010-11-16 - 1326 words - Complete

Frank’s point of view

The days dragged by in the hospital, morphing into each other against the sterile white walls and bleached surfaces. Most of the time I had very little to entertain myself with; there was a small TV u in the far left corner of the room, but the remote had been placed to my right, on the bedside table, so I was unable to reach it due to my injured arm. So I whiled away the days listening to the buzz and chatter of the hospital, the high pitched shriek of a heart monitor would occasionally notify me of work that I’d have to catch up on. I was kept in the intensive care ward for three days; I had lost so much blood that the doctors were astounded that I wasn’t dead, let alone conscious.

“The last person I saw who had lost as much blood as you and survived, Mr Iero, was in a coma with brain damage for a month.” Dr Lamprey said as he checked my progress “The brain was starved of oxygen, you see, and so parts of it started dying. Hmm, you seem to be healing quite rapidly Mr Iero, I think it’s safe to say we can move you out of the IC ward.”

“Wait,” I called as he turned to leave, “what happened to the guy in a coma?”

“The family switched him off, it was on my advice; the lad’s brain was severely damaged, he wouldn’t have woken up. At least they had a chance to say goodbye, not many families do. A shame, is all I can say, he was about your age I think.”

And with that, he left.

Now I was propped up on a stack of bleach scented pillows listening to my mom banter to the police about how her ‘Frankie is the most docile little creature on Gods earth’ and that ‘he’d never give anyone cause to hurt him’. As the good Doctor had declared me fit to speak with police about what happened, I had to come up with a damn good cover story in very little time. Said good doctor was standing by the wall, to ensure that his miracle patient didn’t suddenly do a die in front of the fretful mother. Eventually the cops turned their attention to me.

“Now son, we need you to tell us everything you can about what happened when you sustained your injuries.”

“Um, okay.”

“So what time did you leave the house on Thursday?” The cop stood poised with a pen and notepad.

“Um, sometime around eight, I think.”

“And where did you go?”

I decided to stick to the truth as it would help my story match up more.

“The blossom tree outside school, and then I walked around town.”

“For four hours?” the policeman asked me, sceptical. “Mr Way claims that he found you on his doorstep at half twelve at night, you arrived at the hospital at quarter to one. His story works out, yours isn’t so squeaky clean.”

“Y-you didn’t let me finish; it was half nine by the time I started meandering my way to the park, and from the area I was walking from I didn’t get to the park until ten past ten. I walked slowly, as I didn’t have to be on time for anything, y’know? So I sat under the big oak for, um...” I frowned in thought, what time did the lost spirit attack me? Oh yes, “Until midnight. That’s when it happened.”

“When what happened?” The policeman asked “You were attacked?”

“...I can’t remember...”

Yes, my secret weapon was to play fool. Hell, it was halfway believable considering what I’d been through.

“What do you mean, ‘can’t remember’? How could you forget what was obviously a violent attack?” He scoffed.

Thankfully, Dr Lamprey came to my rescue.

“You should be thankful that this boy can remember anything at all; he’s lost so much blood that some very minor amnesia would be the least of our worries with any other patient. What I can tell you is that the laceration appears to be from some kind of animal; though it would have to be huge.”

The police officer frowned and gave me a look of disdain and promptly left.
The next Monday; the 28th of March, I was released from hospital as I was almost healed and didn’t need to be under surveillance anymore. Dr Lamprey, however, had suggested that I shouldn’t return to school for the rest of the week, and not to over exert myself.

“I suppose you want time off your duties. You’re such a typical teen.” Julietta startled me as I was lying in bed reading a comic. She had suddenly appeared at the end of my bed, her arms crossed and a look of annoyance etched on her pretty little face.

“Jeez,” I gasped, clutching my chest. “are you trying to kill me?!”

“Don’t be silly, you’d be even more useless to me.”

I scowled at her, as the abrupt entry caused me to drop my comic out of my reach. She scowled right back, her violet eyes sending a chill down my spine. Slowly, stealthily, like a panther, she circled round my bed until she stood to my left, towering over me.

“Gerard was powerful enough to distract the lost soul from killing you.” She stated.

“Yeah, he almost deafened me in the process, but better to be deaf than dead I suppose.”

“You do realise that if he becomes lost then he will be beyond your control, at this point at least.”

I remained silent.

“It seems you are essential in keeping Gerard sane, you must know that if he does lose himself then you will be who he comes after. He won’t stop until he finds you, enacts his revenge, he’ll forget all friends and family of his life, he’ll kill them to get to you.”

I lay there, shocked. Would a creature as gentle as Gerard do something like that? Could he even do that? I dared not think about it.

“So how do I stop him from turning into a lost soul?”

“Two ways,” she held up two fingers, “One, exorcise him. Two, hang on his arm like the perfect little boyfriend you are until a mediator with more guts than you exorcises him.”

I stared up at her, thoughtful.

“Sure, I can do that.”

She smiled slightly, her face attaining a lively glow she was missing.

“When flying pigs carry Dr Lamprey, clipboard and all, into the land of fuckin’ Oz! So the only way to deal with him is to exorcise his butt? That’s bullshit; you said if a ghost finishes their unfinished business that they’d pass on. Can’t we just wait ‘til that happens with Gerard?”

She wacked me on the top of the head, not hard, but it still stung.

“Ouch! What the fuck was that for?”

“For being an ignorant fool, Gerard will never pass on as other ghosts do as his unfinished business is life! He wants to live; to experience what he could have if he were still alive, mainly love. Which is why you’re so important you idiot. There is no definitive end or completion of life so Gerard is unable to pass on naturally.”

Julietta towered over me for another second before whisking herself back to the end of my bed.

“The only option open to us is to exorcise him, maybe now, maybe later, but eventually it must happen.”

I scowled as she disappeared as suddenly as she arrived. If there were two people I could never betray it would be Mikey and Gerard. Both would be right by my side until the end, I’d make sure of that.
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