Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is Where It Starts

Those We Leave Behind

by kenzoid 2 reviews

Babette doesn't hear from Gerard for nearly a month and later finds him wallowing in dispair.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-11-17 - Updated: 2010-11-18 - 936 words - Complete

All that week Elodie and I bunked down in Gerard and Mikey’s room. Mikey was taking care of Elodie and I was taking care of Gerard. I was surprised that Elodie even let Mikey touch her, but she was doing better and better everyday and smiled only when he was around. But Gerard was worrying me. He would get these vivid nightmares and wake up crying and in cold sweats a lot of the time. He was quiet and reserved and he had started drinking again, which scared me the most.

But the time had come for us to face our fears and go back to the apartment permanently instead of running back and forth to feed Xerxes.

“Girls, you be careful now. Call us if you need anything, anything at all.” Donna said firmly. I nodded and promised that we would. Mikey hugged Elodie and she hugged back, surprising me again.

“Well, I guess this is it.” I said, hugging Gerard tightly. He squeezed me tightly. “Are you sure you don’t want to come back with us?” I asked. Yesterday he’d told me that he was going to stay with his family, even though he had been planning to come back with us. I was afraid his drinking would get out of control if I wasn’t there to regulate him.

“Yeah, don’t worry about me.” he said, trying and failing to assure me. I nodded uncertainly and climbed into the cab that was waiting for us. I watched Gerard until we turned the corner and he was gone.


I was a nervous wreck and so was Elodie. I hadn’t heard from Gerard since we last saw him and I was worried sick. Mikey would come by once a week to spend time with Elodie and check up on her. Those were the only times I saw her smile. But I called and called and all anybody would tell me was that Gerard was really sick and that they were working on it. That is if they even picked up at all.

Today I was fed up with not getting any answers.

“Mikey, I need to know what’s going on with Gerard.” I said firmly when he picked up. He sighed heavily.

“He shut himself in our room and won’t let anybody in. I’ve been forced to sleep on the couch.” Mikey began.

“Is he drinking? Is he still taking his medications?” I asked.

“Nobody knows. He won’t come out and won’t talk to anybody.” Mikey said sadly.

“Shit.” I mumbled under my breath. “I’m coming over.” I said decidedly.

“Good, get over here. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” Mikey agreed before we hung up.

“Elodie, I’m going over to see Gerard. I’m gonna figure out what’s going on.” I called down the hallway.

“Okay. Tell Mikey I said hi.” She said, waddling down the hall.

Instead of taking the ferry of a long cab ride I decided on the subway, despite how filthy they were. I sat among numerous people, all living out their lives. I stared into space, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

“Where is he?” I asked as I sprinted up to Mikey who was waiting in the front yard.

“The basement.” He said, leading me down some steep steps that met a small landing with a door. He raised his fist and pounded on the door.

“Gerard! Open up!” he called inside. I rocked back and forth on my heels anxiously.

“Go away Mikey…” called a gruff voice that I recognized instantly.

“Gerard, its me!” I called, gently pushing Mikey out of the way. There was a silence and I was going to call again, but the door swung open. The thick stench of vodka, cigarettes and paint smacked me in the face.

“Come in…” muttered Gerard’s weak voice. I stepped into the dark room and let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. I looked over and saw Gerard slumped over his bed, greasy hair hanging in his face.

“Gerard…” I mumbled, sweeping over to his side and tucking him under my arm. I lifted his chin up and got a better look at him. His eyes were sunken in and ringed with purple-gray bags. They were bloodshot, as if he’d been crying.

“Mikey, pack him a bag. He’s coming with me.” I said firmly, standing up. Mikey nodded and began shoving random clothes into a duffel bag.

“What’s going on down here?” Helena asked, poking her head in the door. “Oh, I didn’t know Babs was over.” She said when she saw me.

“Gerard’s coming to stay with me for awhile Mrs. Way.” I said. She beckoned me into the hall and I followed her.

“Just take good care of him.” She whispered to me. “He sure as hell can’t do it on his own.” I nodded and she allowed me to return to Gerard’s side.

“There, all packed.” Mikey said, handing me the heavy bag. I hugged him goodbye and lugged Gerard and his things out of the house.

We walked to the ferry yard where Gerard asked in a small voice if we could sit inside, instead of on the deck. He didn’t want to see the smoldering wreckage. We were the only ones aboard. While we sailed along Gerard laid down and rested his head on my lap. I wanted to tell him that everything was okay, but I didn’t want to lie.
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