Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is Where It Starts

The Band

by kenzoid 4 reviews

Gerard reveals the sacred name...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2010-11-18 - Updated: 2010-11-18 - 491 words - Complete



Gerard rolled off of me and turned on his side after we’d finished. It had been a month since I’d seen him and sex probably wasn’t the best idea for his mental state right now, but neither of us seemed to take any notice until afterwards. I reached over and placed my hand on his arm but he shrugged it off. Then he got up out of bed.

“Gerard, where are you going?” I asked in a small voice.

“Taking a shower.” He said gruffly.

“Gerard…” my voice sounded to puny and weak.

“What?!” he snapped at me. I jumped back a little bit at the force of his voice, as if he had slapped me.

“Why wouldn’t you look at me during…?” I asked staring at my hands and I pulled apart the seam of the comforter. Gerard didn’t reply; instead, he skulked off to the bathroom. I waited until the water was running before I started crying.


Gerard had, for the most part, returned to the land of the living. He wanted to recover and get better, but wasn’t sure how. But he had started taking an interest in Elodie and the baby again. He had even started a band with Mikey, Ray, Frank and Mat. But he still seemed off. He spaced out a lot of the time and I’d have to call him back to attention. Most days he could be found either drinking, with the guys, or just staring out the window in my bedroom. He did that the most, just staring.

“Gerard, I’m making tea. Do you want any?” I asked quietly, poking my head into my room. As I suspected he was gazing dreamily out the window, staring blankly at the cars and the people.

“Gerard…” I said again, a little louder this time. He blinked and looked over at me. “Do you want any tea?” I repeated. He shook his head. I was about to close the door when-

“Do you wanna read this song I wrote?” he asked. I was a tad puzzled by the randomness, but nodded and took a seat next to him on the bed anyway. He handed me a creased piece of notebook paper. I squinted and read the lyrics, mouthing them as I went along.

“Skylines And Turnstiles…” I mumbled as I finished reading. “Is this about what you saw?” I asked, turning to him. Gerard nodded without looking up. Carefully, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my head in the crook of his neck.

“The band finally has a name.” Gerard muttered.

“Really?” I asked, adjusting my head so that I was facing him.

“Yeah… My Chemical Romance.” He said with a small smirk. I smiled, too.

And so it was, My Chemical Romance.

Sorr for the short chapter, much more is coming. Thank you to everybody for the amazing reviews!
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