Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hold Me Close, Wipe The Tears Away.

Chapter 3 - Part Two - Ficwads being a bitch

by MyChemicalRomancer 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-06 - Updated: 2010-12-06 - 293 words

I slid my mobile phone back in my pocket before stretching and announcing, " I'm going getting some skittles and some fresh air."
I skipped out of the living room and into the kitchen,
" Good evening Gentlemen." I called out to Gerard and Bob who were sat on the worktop. I skipped out in to the garden and shivvered as my body adjusted to the temperature.
I lay down on the grass next to the pond, and closed my eyes and sighed happily, I was at inner piece until a packet of skittles landed on my stomach.
"Ow!" I cried as I looked up to see a smirking Frank Iero.
"You forgot your skittles doofus." He smirked as he lay next to me.
I watched him as he closed his eyes and breathed in the night air before whispering, "Thankyou for making today special Aly." I beamed as he lean't over and kissed me gently, it took me a while to kiss back but when I did it was heaven.
"Ew!" A girl shrieked, oh wait it was Mikey, " They're making babies!" I laughed as Frank rolled off me and sat up.
"We were just kissing Mikes!" I giggled as the group made their way towards us.
"Love birds!" Sang Ray and Aly, arm in arm.
We just spent the rest of the night chilled out chatting in the garden, until Mikey fell asleep - then we listened to all the words he shouted out.
I lay down and snuggled into Frank's chest, I felt my eyelids getting heavy and his stroked my arm soothingly.
Soon I felt myself drifting off, to the sound of Gerard, Bob, Alicia and Ray's chatting, Mikey shoouting the occasional word 'BUTTER' and too Frank humming Iron maiden lullabys.
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