Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hold Me Close, Wipe The Tears Away.

Chapter 5

by MyChemicalRomancer 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-07 - Updated: 2010-12-07 - 1134 words

It was three years later we were all out of school and grown up. Me and Frank shared an apartment with Alicia and Mikey ( who were now an item). We lived opposite Bob, Ray and Gerard's appartment and we all did pretty much everything together. Also the band was getting popular and we had started to go on tours. Right now the guys were getting ready for their first ever CD to be released.

I lay on the double bed and snuggled into Frank's arms, we had been dating for a while now - since everyone was getting sick of us just flirting permenately. He looked down at me and smiled his beautiful smile - my heart was just a pile of liquid now ~ yet it melted every single time he gazed upo me. I snuggled into his chest as he watched the television, some sort of rock music channel. I started to drift into a light sleep as he stroked and played with my hair, he knew exactly what relaxed me. I closed my eyes fully and began to sleep.


I woke up to find myself still in Frank's arms I smiled to realise he was fast asleep. I looked at the clock : 5:36PM it read. I got up carefully and walked towards the kitchen and started making dinner. I'm not the best cook but I make a damn good vegetarian lasagne - if I do say so myself. I started serving a portion for Frank, when I felt two arms wrap around my waste, I leaned my head back and smiled.
"My faveourite." Frank whispered as I turned and smiled to him and he wrapped his arms around my waste and kissed me passionately. He propped me onto the work top as we carried on kissing. We were interupted by an awkward cough, I could feel Frank smile against my lips as I turned to see Gerard stood at the door.
"Oh hey!" I greeted him and slid off the counter.
"Dude!" Frank cried as I walked away from the kitchen, I lightly tapped him with the spatula and he immediately stopped his whining.
"Enough of that." I giggled as I followed him over to Gerard.
"So whats up?" He asked to a slightly red faced Gerard.
"I just wanted to show you this, everyone has a copy." And with that he passed Frankie a CD I hadn't seen before. Suddenly Frank went into a giddy fit first he ran up to Gerard and hugged him and then he skipped over to me and span me into a hug.
"Omg Aly look!" He showed me the CD, I held it in my hands and read the front cover.
Oh My God. It was their brand new CD.
"OMG!" I squealed as I jumped into Frank's arms, after I had jumped down I ran over to Gerard and gave him a quick hug, "Congrats !" I grinned, he smiled and grinned back.
"We must celebrate with vegetarian lasagne!" Frank shrieked happily. I giggled and went back into the kitchen to get an extra slices of lasagne. When I went back Gerard was on the sofa as Frank was putting The Shining on.
I passed the pair their meals and sat down with my own, Frank sat at my feet and leaned his head back onto my lap.
We were halfway through the film, Frank looked up at me with big hazel eyes I smiled and stroked the fringe away from his eyes to see them better.
"Will you play with my hair ?" He asked hopefully, I giggled and started to play and twirl with his long hair as he closed his eyes and sighed happily.
I could hear his breathing change and realised he was fast asleep.
I carried on twirling his hair and focused on the Tv, I hadn't been alone with Gerard since I had heard his conversation with Bob years ago. I was probably over reacting - I mean, we were teens then, young and making stupid decisions ~ like when Mikey decided to try and like an electric fan whilst it was turned on...
Anyway the awkwardness was still there but I tried to hide it. I turned and looked at him, he wasn't paying attention to the film, he was picking at the end of his sleeve.
"Want another drink ?" I asked standing up and collecting the empty plates.
"Can I have some coke ?" He asked politely staring at the Tv.
"Sure." I smiled and went into the kitchen, I put the empty dishes in the sink and pulled the glasses out of the cupboard, I went over to the fridge, pulled out the drink and poured it into three glasses - I did three incase Frank was thirsty when he woke up.
I turned and gave a little shriek, Gerard was stood in the doorway.
I put my hand on my chest and sighed in relief.
"God Gerard you scared the life out of me !" I giggled.
He said nothing but moved closer to me. I looked at him confused, What the hell was he doing !?
"Gerard ? " I asked confused, I started to back away until my back was against the wall.
"Gerard !?" I asked unsure as he leaned infront of me.
Before I knew it he was kissing my force fully, I tried to push him off but it was no use. He began pulling my shirt up I began sobbing and crying. I tried forcing him off me again.
Then things began to get out of hand, I cried as my skirt hit my ankles, as did his trousers.
We the last bit of strength in me I kneed him where it hurt. He keeled over as I cried out.
"Frankie!" I sobbed, within seconds Frank ran in.
He ran to me and wrapped his arms around me as I cried my eyes out.
"What the fuck man !?" He shouted at Gerard who was now buttoning his pants.
He said nothing as Frank dragged him outside. Gerard was going to be bruised in the morning.
I curled up in a ball and sobbed on the kitchen floor. I heard the door lock and a worried Frank run into the room. He wrapped his arms around me and cradled me gently. He kissed my forehead and rocked me gently.
"Come here babe he said and he helped me back into my skirt and carried me bridal style into our bedroom.
He stroked my hair and cheek as I sobbed into his chest and slowly I drifted into a deep sleep.

Dun Dun Duuunnnnnn xxxx Heyyy guys ! hoped you liked this update ! :) xxx thanks for the comments and R&R's xxxxx please send me more thoughts and ideas aswell as R&R'ing xxxxxx much love xxxx Ellie Frank xxxxx
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