Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Forget me not

we can play on sleigh on our snow day

by crazyasshats0990 0 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-11 - Updated: 2010-12-11 - 2254 words

I pulled into the drive way and everyone was sitting on the porch. But surprisingly no one made a move to my car, but I could see that everyone started to breathe a little easier. I got out of the car, and for a split second I thought everyone would hate me. I slowly approached the porch with my hands in my hoodie pocket.

“where have you been?” Patrick asked, and the way he said it made it sound like he knew where I had been.

“I just drove around, I got lost, because I have no idea where anything is, and then eventually found my way back here.” I said and I laughed at that. “ I need to make something clear with everyone. I’m not that girl you guys knew before all of this, and I don’t know if I can ever be her again. This is just as frustrating for me as it is you. But I can’t have secrets kept from me. If you guys want me to trust you guys, we need everything out on the table, right now, or this is never going to work for any of us.” I felt like I had made a three hour speech after I was done, my heart was racing, and I was waiting for someone to get mad.

“ we all understand that, but when you don’t give anyone a way to explain anything to you, it’s kinda hard.” Patrick said and he shifted in his seat.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what the hell was going on. I woke 5 days ago in a hospital bed, and I had no idea who I was or you guys, and you guys are huge impacts in my life. I’m a celebrity, and I have no idea why, I have no idea what kind of music we even make. I have people asking me about things I will never remember. And I’m engaged to a man and having his baby, and I don’t even know your last name.” I couldn’t breathe after that. So I sat down.

“Stump.” Pete said it. And everyone looked at him.

“what?” Patrick said.

“no, I was telling her your last night, cause she said she didn’t know it.” for some reason that made me smile. And at that moment, I wanted to hug this guy who I don’t remember, but I don’t know if that would appropriate.

The rest of the night was us spent talking and filling me in with information. I felt like I was starting to know them.

After everyone had left me and Patrick made our way up to bed, and we laid down, facing each other.

“I still love you.” and he smiled at me.

“and I’m trying to remember why I love you.” and we both laughed at that. He was holding my hand and he lifted it up to his mouth and kissed it.

I’m 17 again and I’m standing in the cafeteria line with heather, Stephanie, and Rachel. And we’re joking about something, and out of the corner of my eye I see someone walk up to us and kiss heather on the cheek and it hits me that his name is Kyle. And he high fives me and we start having a conversation. But then I wake up in my room. Patrick is once again not in bed with me, but I heard mumbling down stairs, and I’m scared of what I’m going to hear when I walked down the stairs today. But as I’m walking down the stairs all they’re talking about is the new tour that one of petes bands is doing. I make it to the kitchen and everyone greets me with a hug or a smile. Patrick greets me with a kiss.

“whatever happened to kyle?” I say turning to heather.

“how do you remember that?” everyone looks stunned.

“I’ve been having dreams about things lately that make sense. Like when Patrick purposed to me, tours we’ve been on, and recently high school. It’s like im remembering through my dreams, and throughout the day I have flashbacks of things that have happened” everyone is looking at me like I’m 8 feet tall and sounds like gumby.

“what else have you remembered?” Patrick asks.

“I’d rather not repeat to be honest, but lets just say I haven’t been the best person in the world.” and I look directly at him.

At that moment, my phone goes off and it’s paul texting me, and I have to remember at some point to give him a fake name in my phone for those times when Patrick might wanto go through it again.

‘I just wanted to say I miss you. J’

He always did things like that, he could have been in figi and he would still text me and tell me he missed me. I could tell Patrick was watching me intently. I sent a text message back to him and then changed his name to the most genius thing I could of : I put him in my phone as Patrick.

Nothing eventful happened that day until about 6 pm. I got a text from paul and he asked me to meet him at a park and he gave me the address. I wrote it down when I went to take a shower, and I deleted all traces of me and him talking. I stepped out of the shower and went into the bedroom. I packed a really nice dress and my make up and a battery operated hair straightened and curling iron with me, this way I could get ready in the car. I put everything ina really big purse and then told everyone that I was going out cause I had to go to the store and I didn’t want anyone to go with me, I had my cell and a GPS and I would be fine.

I stopped about 3 blocks away from my house and I got ready. I had a black dress on that was strapless and puffy around the bottom. It came to about mid knee and it had a huge red bow on the side of it. I did my hair, with light curls and whispy bangs. My make up looked flawless and I was impressed with how well I did it.

I finally arrived to the park and pulled into a spot next to Paul where he was standing up against his car. He looked amazing. He was wearing black dress pants, a black button up with a white tie. He had that smile on, and I loved it. I couldn’t get out of the car fast enough.

“You look beautiful.” he said and he kissed me. I kissed him back with my arms around his neck and I started to think about what if I would have met him before Patrick, how I wouldn’t have to sneak around.
I broke the kiss. “thank you, you look very nice yourself.” he grabbed my hand and led me to a little spot around the way from where the cars were parked.

“close your eyes.” he whispered and he put his hands over them for good measure. I could feel him breathe on my neck and it made me shiver.

When he finally uncovered my eyes, there was a table with candles on it and with plates and the dome lids over them. It was over looking the little pond and it the way the sun was setting was just gorgeous. You could tell he went all out for this. And I was totally surprised.

I kissed him again. “Thank you, this means a lot to me.” he was looking at me from across the table and he smiles. He wouldn’t take his eyes off me. He started to speak.

“when I found out what happened to you, I was shocked, scared, I cried. I didn’t know what any of it meant. I would have to sneak in to the hospital when I knew Patrick wasn’t around. But that was very rare that he wasn’t and I would only have a few minutes with you. When I found out that you wouldn’t remember, it broke my heart, cause I knew for a fact you wouldn’t remember me, I mean Patrick yeah, but not me. And then when you called me yesterday I thought it was a joke. I want you to know that I love you. More than I could ever show you or tell you.” and he smiled at me.

“I love you too. And the reason why I called you yesterday was because you were the only person I could remember.” and when I looked up he looked like a kid on Christmas morning. We finished dinner and started to walk back to the cars.

“will you come over for a little bit?” he asked with pleading eyes. I looked at the time and figured I had sometime to kill.

“sure, but I can’t stay to long, I told everyone that I left to go shopping so I have to go back with something.” and we both laughed.

“I promise it wont be long.” we both got in our cars and I followed him back to his house.

When we got there and I got out he walked over and grabbed my hand. We walked inside and he grabbed my by the neck and kissed me passionately and he lead me upstairs. We wound up having sex and it was really good, but it had to be cut short, and I needed to get going. I put my clothes back on, the ones I was wearing when I left the house and I asked him to direct in the direction of the nearest clothing store so I could buy a few things. He walked me out to my car and kissed me slowly. He was shirtless and was just wearing a pair of tight jeans. I didn’t want to ever walk away, but I had to. This was never going to be my life. It could only be part time.

The store I found was forever 21. So I bought 150 dollars worth of clothes and made my way home. When I walked in everyone looked at me, and started asking what took so long.

“I’m a girl, which means I’m in decisive when it comes to clothes. You know how long it took me to pick this outfit out?” and they all laughed at me. I went up stairs to put my stuff and Heather walked in.

“So..” and the sound of her voice made me jump, causing me to put my hamd on my chest. “hey, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” she laughed.

“oh no you’re fine, it just started me.”

“so, hows it been since you got out of the hospital? And just so you know me and you were best friends before the accident and talked about everything.” she giggled at that again too.

“I knew that.” I smiled. “It’s been fine, Patrick and I are doing good. It’s a lot to adjust too, but you know I’m getting there.’ I sat down on the bed. And she closed the door really quietly and then started whispering.

“what about you and paul?” and she barely spoke but I still caught it.

“wait how did you know about that?” but she held a finger to her mouth as if to signal to me that I needed to be quiet.

“did you really think I didn’t know, I was the only person you told. I know you’ve been talking to him, because me and him have been talking since all of this happened, I wanted to keep him updated for the sake of the baby.” we heard the hadnle jiggle and heather grabbed one of my new shirts and said ‘oh, I like that’ loudly so whoever it was, thought we were looking at my clothes. I opened the door to Patrick staring at me.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come out to dinner with us?” he asked me, and he was smiling. Even though I had just had dinner, I had to say yes, because I didn’t want him to think something weird.

“yeah, sure sounds like fun. Let me get dressed and ill be done in a little bit ok?” he smiled and walked away, and I made sure I could hear him talking to people downstairs, before I turned back in to the room and sat back down on the bed.

“ so where did you actually go?” she whispered to me.

“Paul took to me a special little spot and made me dinner. We went back to his house, had sex, and then I went to the store to make it look like I went shopping.” and then something hit me. “you’re prying me for this information so you can tell Patrick aren’t you?” she looked shocked that I would even suggest something like that.

“not at all. Dude, I’m your best friend in the whole wide world. I would never go behind your back like that.” she smiled at me. “we should probably get down there, before they start to freak, she giggled.
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