Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreamland

Back in Dreamland

by fabulouskilljoy8_8 1 review

Libby has another dream, once again involving Frank, and is sent on mission impossible :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2010-12-13 - Updated: 2010-12-13 - 2258 words - Complete

Part two of my double update, quite a long one, i found this one quite funny, but you probably wont :D anyways, enjoy and R&R, S xo

“Fuck.” I muttered, standing up from where I had woken in another dream. I was in Frank’s house again. Jesus, what the fuck’s going to happen now?! I made my way to Frank’s room, thinking that’s where all the action would be. I was wrong; I walked back upstairs and paused, wondering what the hell could’ve happened. I walked upstairs to check everything up there. I walked into the first room down the hall, and was immediately faced with Frank’s Mom, lying face down on the floor. I rushed over to her and turned her over; she looked like she was sleeping. I leaned down to her open mouth and listened. Nothing. My fingers quickly went to her wrist and I fumbled frantically to find a pulse. Nothing. She was dead. Completely gone. I looked around the room to try and find a cause, and I very quickly find one. She OD’d. The syringes were there, lying on her bed, almost mocking me. I walked over to her phone that was lying close to the syringes. It was 3:14 on Wednesday 7th. Fuck, Frank would be home soon, and he would find her and me. I had to get out of here. I ran down the stairs and out the front door. I turned down the road and ran to my house. And I hoped I would wake up soon. When I reached my house I quickly made my way up the stairs and to my room. As soon as I was in there, my phone began to vibrate. I checked the caller ID, Frank, Fu –-

I woke up in Frank’s arms, feeling like complete and utter shit on a stick. He was still asleep at my side, so I turned and watched him. Fuck, how could I do this? How could I tell him his Mom would do this? We couldn’t stop her, that’s for sure. I mean, yeah, we can stop her for now, but she’ll do again in the future. I pulled my hand out from beneath the covers and started to play with his hair again, the same way I had last night, the night that had been so perfectly ruined. He stirred and then woke fully, smiling when he remembered I was there, but quickly dropping that smile when he realized what happened with his Mom lat night.
“Hey.” He said simply, looking at me, as if asking for an answer to all his problems.
“Morning. Oh, and thanks for last night, even though it was…well, it didn’t end the perfect way, it was pretty frickin’ perfect.” I giggled softly, trying to pull his mind from concentrating to hard on his Mom. “Yeah, it was amazing…” He trailed off and I knew I was failing to re-focus him.
“So, what do you wanna do today?” I asked, jumping out of bed and realizing I was still dressed in his joggers and one of his hoodys.
“I don’t know.” He said simply, staring into space. I decided I had to tell him, there was nothing else that could be done. I walked back over to the bed and curled up next to him. “I need to talk to you…”
“Oh? Is it like the last time you needed to talk to me?”
“Yeah…” I stared guiltily into his eyes.
“So what is it this time? Am I being killed again? Are you?”
“No…Not exactly, someone will die, but neither of us…”
“Then who?” He was anxious now, worried about what the dream was.
“…Y-your…your mom.” I stuttered. He stared blankly at me.
“She OD’d...Frank im so sorry, but we can stop this, just like we did last time. I even checked the time and the date while I was dreaming…Umm…Let me…Wednesday 7th at 3:14…”
“That’s this Wednesday…Well…That’s the day off for us…” He laughed nervously. “Well there’s nothing we can do about it today…So…” He looked at me expectantly.
“Umm, I dunno, lets…lets just stay in, watch a movie, eat some popcorn, shit like that.” I suggested half-heartedly.
“Sounds good to me.” He said, pulling himself off the bed and walking over to the stacks of DVD’s in the corner of his room.
“What shall we watch…” He thought aloud, pawing through all the DVD’s.
“Anything, I don’t care,” I said, wiping my hand across my forehead.
“Ooh, let’s watch eight-legged freaks!”
“Now, why would we do that when we’re both shit-scared of spiders?”
“For shits and giggles.” He quoted “Austin Powers”. He placed the DVD in the little shelfy thing and flopped himself back into bed, pushing his arm beneath me so he could pull me over to him. I curled into his stomach while he rearranged the pillows for himself. We sat through the film in a comfortable silence, both watching terrified as people were eaten and such. When the credits began to role I decided it was time for me to leave Frank to sort out his Mom. “I better be going, Sienna’s gonna kill me for leaving her alone with Mom.”
“I thought your Dad was home…?” Frank asked, watching me change from his clothes to mine.
“Yeah, that makes it worse. Milo’s not even there either, he’s probably still passed out from his adventures last night.”
“Yeah, Sienna text me while you were playing with the guys saying he had left the house with the majority of the liquor stores alcohol under his arm, that’s gonna be a daisy to deal with.” I said sarcastically, picking up my bag and swinging it onto my shoulder. I walked back over to his bed and kissed him lightly on the lips before whispering “Talk to her” In his ear. I pulled away from him and he gave me a look that resembled that of a worried puppy. “See you later, I love you.” I walked up the stairs, listening to him reply “I love you too”. I made a swift exit from the house, not wanting to run into his Mom again.

Once I made it home I knew things would be worse than I thought; I walked in, threw my bag on the couch, and was immediately sent out again by my Father to see if I could retrieve Milo from whatever ditch he was currently presiding in. I drove straight to his girlfriends to check, but Poppy could only shake her head and tell me that if her hangover was this bad, his would be like death on wheels. I thanked her and left, deciding to go to a few of his friends houses.
“Well hello there, how may I help you?” His friend David said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
“Im looking for my brother…And if you don’t stop staring at my chest, im going to get him and my boyfriend to beat the shit out of you, That is if I don’t feel like doing it myself.” He shook his head and backed into the house again.
“Thanks for nothing perv.” I called after him. After several encounters of the same variety, I decided to try the park that was near Poppy’s. I pulled in to a parking space outside and entered the park, heading straight for the bandstand I knew he had been known to go. After having no luck there, I walked around to the playground. As soon as I could see the tops of the climbing frames I knew I’d hit the jackpot, because all the parents and their kids were avoiding the one that was usually full. I walked through the gate of the playground and sure enough, on the little rope-bridge thing, there was my brother, snoring his face off. I sighed and walked over there, receiving some strange looks from the parents. I shook the bridge from the side to avoid having to make a spectacle of myself by climbing it. Milo snorted a couple of times, and then stopped dead still, breathing heavily.
“…Libby?” He asked cautiously, without opening his eyes.
“Yes Milo.”
“Where am I?” He still didn’t open his eyes.
“The playground of the park opposite Poppy’s Milo.”
“Shit.” He finally opened his eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the light. He glanced around a couple of times to see the Parents whispering and glancing at us. “You might wanna get up Milo, we need to go home.” He slowly pulled himself into a sitting position, then slid himself through the gap between the bridge and the rope/rail. I pulled his arm around my shoulders to support him, knowing he would be hurting in every place possible right about now.
“Excuse me.” I stopped when I was tapped angrily on the shoulder. I set Milo down on one of the benches, where his hands immediately went to his head as he tried to prevent himself puking in front of the little kids. I turned to face a tight-lipped, snobby looking woman, you know the really stereotypical ones that like, lean their heads back and literally look down their noses at you. “Yes?” I answered curtly.
“Is this…mess,” She glanced behind me at Milo, then continued, “Your boyfriend?” She lifted her head and looked down her nose again.
“No, he is my brother. Why?”
“Well, I would just like to inform you of how disgusting I think this young mans behavior is.”
“Well that’s just great for you isn’t it, we done?” I asked, not waiting for an answer, but turning away to help Milo again.
“No, I would also like to tell you how disgraceful your generation is in my opinion, and down right rude.” This, I wasn’t taking, I let the first “Opinion” go, but this, I wasn’t accepting.
“Listen,” I turned back to her, “I really couldn’t give less of two fucks what your opinion is, and do you know why? Because you don’t know me, you don’t know him, and I pretty damn sure you don’t know much at all. So maybe, you should just shut up, fuck off and keep your opinions to yourself before I make you understand what the term ‘rude’ means. Got that, you snobby, big-nosed, over-opinionated grandma?” She blinked at me in horror a few times, before quickly turning away and rushing back to her child. “Woah, remind me never to piss you off again.” I turned back to Milo, who I had forgotten was the reason I was there.
“Come on; let’s get out of here before another one starts.” I pulled him up again and hauled him back to my car, stopping only to allow him to throw up in a bush. We drove home in silence, but when I pulled up and switched the engine off, neither of us moved. Finally I broke the silence. “So. Do you wanna explain to me why I had to come find you?” He hesitated. “ There wasn’t really much reason, I just…felt the need. And I swear, I didn’t go out intending to get that fucked up…it just sort of…happened. One minute we were sitting in Poppy’s living room…Oh shit! Poppy!” He looked up at me worriedly.
“She’s fine, I tried to find you at her house, she just had a banging hangover.”
“Oh, okay, anyway, we were at Poppy’s and then we were like, betting or something, I don’t really remember to be honest…and then I woke up in the park…” He looked at me guiltily, and despite the fact I was his baby sister, I felt like the older one in the situation.
“Come on, I don’t think much attention will be on you tonight.” We climbed out of the car and walked up to the house. Before opening the door, I pressed my ear to it to see if there was any shouting. There was silence. I unlocked it and walked in, The TV was on in the living room and as I walked passed I saw Dad and Petey sitting together watching The Simpson’s. I walked into the kitchen to find Mom cooking dinner while watching some British comedian on the tiny TV she had bought herself.
“So, feeling sane today are we?” I joked, walking up behind her and peeking over her shoulder at what was being prepared. Mom and I had been getting on much better since Donna took her on a time out, and there had been a lot less fights, I say a lot less, meaning there were still some, and we all still knew Mom and Dad would get divorced any day now, which we had all sort of learnt to deal with.
“That wasn’t funny.” My Mom said, in mock offense. I laughed and walked back out of the room, satisfied at the fact she was preparing me Tofu and mash potato’s. Finally I felt like life was going okay, not perfect, but okay. Not perfect because we still had Frank’s Mom to deal with, and wouldn’t that be the most non-stressful day of my life.
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