Categories > Original > Humor > The Book of Hondo

Kamehameha 9

by shadesmaclean 0 reviews

Hide and Seek

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Published: 2010-12-17 - Updated: 2010-12-17 - 113 words - Complete

And it came to pass at the Retirement Home of Ancient Gods that the great Grey Giant Luigi didst finish counting to a million, as Scoot the Ko’An had asked of him in their game of hide-and-seek.

‘Dudes?’ quoth he as he didst look around in understandable confusion. ‘Duh… where art thou?’

But the Dudes were nowhere to be seen.

And so the mighty Luigi didst set out to find the Dudes…

(Nori: ‘Stay thee tuned for the next unsinkable fuckin’ chapter of the Book of Hondo!’)

The Book of Kaméhaméha is dedicated to the memory of Douglas Adams, who didst inspire us all to know where our towels art.

1952 – 2001
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