Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > These Wings Of Ashes

A Little Piece of Heaven

by breestar 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-12-17 - Updated: 2010-12-18 - 1007 words

Thanks ShortyGirl, MyChemicalRomancer for awesome reviews. And for the others who I know will review but didn't read the chapter yet.. Hurry up! NO NO lol! I'm kidding. Love ya's!

A Little Piece of Heaven

I think I had my first pregnency morning sickness. I puked. Yup, all over the floor. It got on Gerard's shoes too. He and Frank stopped their stairing to look at me as I started to crouch down on my knees. My stomach was hurting so much.. They were both crouched down with me, Gerard had my hair held in his hands, out of my face while Frank was rubbing my back.
"I'm..I'll be fine.." I puked again, but this time blood had come out with it.
"Looks like the baby isn't agreeing with your blood, Gerard." Frank laughed to himself.
"Don't you think you should be more worried about her vomiting, more then trying to make me feel bad?"
"Gerard, I'm sure you know she's only suppose to be drinking MY blood. The baby needs a balence of both of the natural parents blood."
I looked up, how could they be arguing when I really needed someone right now? Stupid male pride.
I started to feel really week, like I was going to pass out. Things were slowly fading, and I heard Gerard screaming my name, for a quick second my vision returned and he had switched to yelling at Frank. Telling him he wouldn't be able to wake me up from my dream if I didn't have the strength. I heard the sound of cloth rip, and then the wonderful smell blood. I felt skin pressed to my lips, it was Franks. My strength was going back up, and I started to feel normalish again. I couldn't stop drinking Frank's blood, it was so delicious. It was ten times stronger then having something you really craved for a long time. I felt a pair of hands pulling me away from Frank, away from my bliss. I wanted to rip them apart until I understood it was Gerard.
"That's enough!" He shouted at Frank.
"She's gone days without it!" He argued back.
I struggled to stand up, they didn't notice. My body felt like it was on fire, in a good way. I wanted nothing more then to keep drinking his blood..
"You know what Frank? I might as well fucking kill you now. Drain you of your blood and freeze it for her while she needs it. Won't be as good as fresh, but I'm sure it'll manage."
Gerard played with my hair in his hands, realizing I had stood up and he kept his arm protectivly around me, as if he was bragging.
"You may hold her Gerard, but the bloodlust showing in her eyes belongs to me."
"That would easily dissapear once your dead and gone, when she has forgotten all about you and delivered her child. She won't crave it anymore. It'll be my name she cries out, like it has been while you've been gone."
Still, I was frozen in Gerard's arms, wanting more blood.. A bit confused at the events in front of me.
Frank's eyes had turned completly black, his vains were slightly buldging. He pushed me slightly out of Gerard's arms. He punched Gerard in the face, Gerard had returned the hit. It passed through my eyes like a action movie. Still I was frozen with blissful numbness, I didn't know how to stop it. Gerard was stronger then Frank, why would he keep trying? Was love really that powerful? For Frank to risk his life?
Gerard had slammed Frank's body down across the room, he was bleeding heavily, I could smell it before I had been able to see it. Frank was cut up badly. But his vains seemed to be pumping more blood, like it was re-genorating the blood for him.
"You..hurt.. her.." Frank caughed blood out in between words. He was looking at my arms, Gerard flinched for a moment and continued ripping his skin away from his arms and chest. Digging his fingers in more with each amount.
"Show her the freak you really are, Frank!"
"Never.." He caughed again.
What did Gerard mean by that? Finally, the nubness had dissapeared, and I was able to move and think clearer. I ran towards them, Frank tried shouting at me to stay back, but he was too hurt.
"No Leigh, you need to see this.."
I tried pushing Gerard off of him, whatever Frank had going on, he could explain, it wouldn't change my feelings toward him..I couldn't let Gerard kill him, especially with this torture.
Gerard had stopped when Franks whole body started to shake violently, he grabbed my hands as tight as he could, then switched to pull my body closer with one hand, and the other to grab my hair and force me to watch Frank die. I tried my hardest to pull away from him, but couldn't. Frank's body had stopped moving, "Remember these next few moments forever." Gerard smiled.
Frank's body started to rise up on its own, something like a magic trick, his back started to open up with two huge bloody cuts. Was he in more pain? It seemed to much to handle but Gerard forced me to keep watching. The blood coming from his back was changing black and greyish, then it stopped its liquid form and became something else.. Ashes..Was he rotting from the inside out? Was this the last step in vampire dying? No, none of the others I've seen die did this. The ashes flew all over the room, I was still screaming out, just not sure what I was saying.
The ashes fell on the floor eventually, and the room was a lot more clear. It hadn't landed on our bodies, and I noticed Frank laying back on the ground, breathing and eyes closed as if he were in a peaceful sleep.. With.. Ash coloured wings.
"A fallen angel once turned vampire.." Gerard whispered.
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