Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Hate Me

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-20 - Updated: 2010-12-21 - 685 words - Complete

I heard that voice before I knew who it was I could not turn around to look at that face, I just push Tyler off of me. I was beyond angry I was more angry at myself for letting this happen I wanted to run far away and never come back. I could not bare to look at that face I could feel those eyes burning into the back of my head. I had nothing to say I couldn’t do anything the damage was done.

“Frank look at me, “The voice said

My tears started to run down my face I started to sob I could no longer hold it in I wanted to die right there I still could not look. Tyler had done left I heard him leave I wanted to hit him for what he did but it is also my fault for feeling like I did. I heard foot steps coming closer I couldn’t bare to look up all I could do was cry.

“Frank please look at me, “The voice said while standing beside me.

Finally I look up I look up to see Gerard standing there; I saw the look on his face. He was hurt and angry I had caused all of this. Gerard walk over towards the sit next to me and sit down, he grab my hand.

“All I want for you to do is tell me what happen, “Gerard said while looking at me.

I tried to fine the right words so it would all make sense but no matter how I tried to make it sound right the damage was done all I could do was just explain.

“I met Tyler when I first came here I thought he was pretty but I never saw him in that way. Soon after became friends, which was weird for me because the only person I ever let in was you. Stacey told me I felt that way because since I didn’t have you I just wanted that safe feeling back. Soon after Tyler told me he like me and wanted me to kiss him but I told him no that I had someone, I would hate myself. Weeks later Tyler tried to kill his self which I found out his sick and that it wasn’t because of me. I started to question my feelings I hated myself for even thinking I had any, I told Tyler and the next thing I knew he was kissing me. I was shock I didn’t know what to think I was angry that he did that, I can’t hate myself more then I do right now, “I said while crying.

“I want you to know I am not angry I’m kind of hurt but not angry. I understand Frank since I haven’t been here you just wanted someone to make you feel safe and since you have been hanging with Tyler you got that feeling. I hate that he kiss you but I could tell you hated it. Don’t hate your self Frank you are not to blame, it’s all okay, “He said while hugging me.

I finally got my safe feeling back I finally felt myself again I could not be any happier then I was. I was even happier that he was not angry with me but sad that I had hurt him.

“I’m glad you don’t hate me you don’t know how happy that makes me feel, again I am sorry for everything. But what are you doing here, “I ask while looking at me.

“I forgive you I really do I know you had come along way you just started to trust strangers, you just wanted to trust someone I understand. I came to see you since I finally left the asylum I told you I would find you, “He replied.

Words could not say how happy I was in that moment, but if only that happy moment could have lasted.

Don't worry the worst as yet to come. Thanks for the reviews.
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