Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Leave Fear Behind

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-21 - Updated: 2010-12-21 - 661 words - Complete

Words could not describe how I felt when Gerard came to see me or the fact that was not angry with me. I was angry with myself for letting this whole Tyler thing happen, I knew I would have to talk to Tyler and tell him I do not like him in any way. I was going to enjoy this moment with Gerard while I could because I knew Gerard was going to have to leave soon. I just wish I could leave with him and leave all my fears behind.

“So tell me what’s been happening, “Gerard said while sitting holding on to my hand.

“Everything is going to fast I’m almost over my fear of the dark there are still moments were I go insane but not like I use too, and my fear of stranger’s is going away. I’m glad I’m getting better but it seems like it’s all going too fast. I haven’t been working on my fears for a while it’s like I just gave up, I cannot do this without you here, “I said while looking at him.

“I can tell you happy with almost getting over your fears and I know it’s hard. It was beyond hard for me to sleep again I thought I would never be able to sleep again, but I slowly got better. I can finally sleep again without fearing I will dream of something, there are moments were I might fear but it goes away. If you work this hard without me I know you can go on, don’t give up I know you can do this, “He replied.

Gerard was right I could get over my fears if I just kept working on it, but it was hard not having him here to keep me going. He got over his fears without having someone by his side I knew I could too I just wish I could believe I could.

“I know I can do this if I just keep working on it but it’s hard, I’m use to you being here telling me every day I can do this. I know I have to work on doing this by myself it’s just hard, sometimes I don’t know if I can do this, “ I said trying to explain how I felt.

“I hate not being here helping you every step of the way, but I know you can do this with or without me. Just remember I believe in you I know you can get over your fears, and that I love you nothing will ever change that, “He said with a smile.

“I love you too and nothing will ever change that, “I replied with a smile.

We kept talking for three hours I didn’t won’t this moment to end I didn’t won’t him to leave me, but I knew the time was coming for him to leave. And just like that it was time for him to leave my heart was breaking I wanted more then anything to go with him, to just forget everything else but I knew I couldn’t.

“I will see you again I promise, don’t give up Frankie. I love you, “He said while hugging me.

“I won’t give up I promise, I love you too, “I replied while hugging back.

This would be the last I would feel safe for a while I wanted to enjoy this moment while I could. He let go and walk away, I watch him walk down the hallway until I could no longer see him. I wanted to run after him to go with him and just be free from everything; I knew that day would come just not soon enough.

I slowly made my way back to my room, I knew deep down I would break that promise.

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