Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Give Up

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-21 - Updated: 2010-12-21 - 702 words - Complete

My heart had stop I could not believe Gerard was here, I was little mad that Stacey called him. Gerard doesn’t need to come here and see me like this. I cannot let him think I need him forever that without him here with me I cannot get better on my own. I just kept looking at the door I wasn’t going to open it for no one. I had to be strong but it was hard when I was anything but strong.

“Go away, “I said loud enough for him to hear me.

“Frank please let me in, I’m worried about you, “Gerard said

“No your not, she only brought you here so I would finally leave my room, just leave me the hell alone, “I said in angry.

I knew Stacey only called him so I would finally leave my room it wasn’t going to work. I was not planning on leaving my room; I finally made up my mind I no longer cared anymore. If I wanted to live my life in fear that so be it I just gave up.

“Please open the door, “He beg.

“Leave me the fuck alone! I don’t care about you anymore; go find someone who can be with you. Be with someone who’s not fucking insane, “I yelled in tears.

I broke down I couldn’t believe I told him I no longer cared that was a lie, but it was true he should go find someone who can be with him.

“Frank open the damn door, “Gerard said in angry.

I could not take it anymore no one was going to leave me alone until I open the door I got off my bed. I unlock the door to see Gerard standing there, I thought Stacey would be here but I was wrong. Gerard just look at me before hugging me.

“Frank what happen to you? Why are you being like this? “He asks while hugging me.

“I can’t do this anymore, I give. I am afraid I may hate who I become that I won’t like the new person who I’ll be. That maybe I will change into some new person and you will no longer love me, because you are so use to me being like this, I just cannot do this without you. “I said while giving in.

Gerard had to know the truth eventually I just couldn’t keep holding back how I really felt.

“Listen to me and listen good. I love you and only you nothing could ever change that. I want you to get better. You can do this without me even though it will be hard but I know you can, you have to try. I wish I could be here everyday helping you every step of the way, but I cannot. I know you can do this Frank I believe in you so much, “He said while looking at me.

Maybe I should give this a shot I was doing good until I gave up; I was getting rid of my fears. I was almost better until I just gave up. I could do this if I just believed in myself that I could, if Gerard believes in me then I know I could believe in me too.

“I keep thinking what if I never came here, that maybe I would be better by now. That I would have you helping me everyday, sometimes I wish I never came here. But having you believe in me makes me want to give it another shot, that maybe I can do this, “I replied.

“I know it will be hard for you but give it all that you can, I will try to see you every chance I get I promise. Just don’t give up yet, “He said while looking at me.

“I won’t I promise, “I replied.

Getting better would be hard there would be moment were I will wont to give up, but I have to do this so I can finally be free. Maybe there is hope after all.

Third Update. I may update later on tonight, I dont know.
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