Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

A New Day

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-21 - Updated: 2010-12-22 - 713 words - Complete

Today was going to be a new day for me, I finally left my room after five days, I was going to get better. Not having Gerard here was beyond hard but I had to do this on my own. I was going to talk with Stacey to talk about the last five days. I was sitting in her office I have not said a word there’s nothing to say, I know how I acted was wrong but it is not easy for me to get over my fears.

“Frank what happen to you over the last five days, “Stacey had ask once again.

“I just gave up I decide it was not worth it anymore, seeing Gerard for the first time it made me beyond happy. When he left, it was like a big part of me left with him, I just couldn’t do this without him. So I stayed in my room not caring about anything, I was just going to deal with my fears. When Gerard came back, he showed me there is hope for me, that I can do this if I just try, “I explain.

“I know this is not easy for you Frank, it has to be hard. You were doing so well on getting over your fears I guess it just went a little too fast. I know this isn’t the life you want and that deep down you want to live a normal life, “She replied.

“I do want a normal life to be able to live my life without any fears, with no care in the world. To be happy like everyone in the world, to be able to live in my own world. And I know I can if I just get better, “I said.

And hour went by I left Stacey’s office getting a little better but it was going to take sometime. I wanted to move on from my fears already but it wasn’t going to be easy. I made my way towards the outside as I got close to the doors I saw Tyler. I haven’t seen him in almost a week not since after he kiss me. I had to face him sometime; I needed to talk to him.

I sighed as I open the door this was going to be hard, I slowly made my way towards him. I couldn’t help but think if he was even still my friend, I knew I kind have lead him on. It was right for him to kiss me without letting me know first.

“Hey Tyler, “I whisper.

“What do you want, “Tyler snap.

“Look I know your mad, bu-” before I could even say anything Tyler spoke once again.

“I am mad at you. You lead me on telling me this feeling that somehow you got, making me think you like me. I can’t help but wonder if your boyfriend wasn’t here, if you would have kiss me back. But I don’t care really, because you are not worth it. I also sometimes think you are ashamed of having a boyfriend, sure did take you a long time to tell me you had one, “He replied in an angry tone.

“I am not ashamed of having a boyfriend damn it, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know how you would act. Don’t you dare tell me I’m ashamed. I wouldn’t have kiss you back even if Gerard came here or not, I have no feelings for you Tyler, you need to learn to understand that, “ I replied back.

“I need to understand that? I think you do! One minute you don’t like me and the next you have to question yourself if you do have feelings for me, but I don’t care if you do or don’t. I don’t see why I ever became friends with you, “He said in angry.

“You know what you can go to hell, I don’t ever wont to be friends with someone like you. “ I yelled.

“You’ll be going to hell also, so I’ll see you there, “He yelled back.

And just like that, I punch him.

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