Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum


by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-21 - Updated: 2010-12-22 - 611 words - Complete

I was beyond is shock I could not believe I had hit Tyler; I would lie and say it didn’t feel good because it did. I was angry he needed he had cross the line, Tyler look at while holding his jaw I could see a line of blood. He look at me as if he could not believe I had hit him I couldn’t believe it myself, I never plan to hit him it just happen so fast.

“What the hell, “Tyler yelled while still holding his jaw.

“You needed it, you fucking cross the line, “I said in angry.

“So that gives you the damn right to fucking hit me! Fucking stay away from me abuser, “He yelled while walking away.

More angry was building inside of me I wanted to hit him one more time but I stood still I knew if I had hit him twice I would be in more trouble then I was already in. I kept standing there I knew any minute Stacey or the doctor was going to come out and start yelling on how wrong it is for hitting someone. Before I knew it, I saw Stacey walk outside she was not happy.

“Would you care to explain why you hit Tyler, “She asks while standing in front of me.

“He fucking cross the line! He fucking needed it, “I yelled in angry.

“That does not give you the right to hit someone Frank, no matter what was said, “She replied.

Before I could replied Doctor Mark walk outside I knew right then something was going to happen to me, I was going to get kick out I could feel it.

“Frank you know what you did was beyond wrong, for that I am afraid I am going to have to put you on lock down for a few days, “The doctor said.

I was not going to be lock in some damn room I was not an animal that you could lock up, I was human I was not going to be lock up.

“He fucking started it! Why do I get punish it for something he did, “I ask in angry.

“Frank you hit him you have to be punish, if Tyler had hit you then I would do the same for him. Now come on don’t make this hard, ‘The doctor replied.

I refused to be lock in some room I look at the doors I could make a run for it, before I knew it I started to run. I could hear the doctor and Stacey running after me, I was already inside. I couldn’t go back to my room so I ran towards the front once I got there I stop, did I really want to run away? I could see the doctor and Stacey running up the hallway, without thinking I push open the doors and ran.

I could hear them calling my name I could hear foot steps behind me I look towards the gate it was wide open, this was my only shot of escaping. I ran faster I had to make it out I could hear the doctor yelling to close the gate I had to keep running. I was not going to give up I no longer cared about my fears, I no longer cared about getting better. All I wanted to do was leave this place I hated it, I could see the big gates closing, I had to make it out. I got closer to the gates and before it could close, I ran out.

Last update for today,unless I decide to update more. Reviews?
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