Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not Going Back

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-22 - Updated: 2010-12-23 - 766 words - Complete

I had no idea where I was running to nor did I care at the point. I kept on running I had to make sure I was far away from that damn place. I kept on running until I could no longer see Royal Park; I started to walk along the road. I hope no one would come out to try to find me I was not going back, at this point, I did not care about my fears or getting better I just wanted to be far away. I had no place to go too I had nowhere to go, I had no clue where Gerard was staying at. Part of me started to want to go back at least I would have somewhere to stay, but I couldn’t go back.

An hour had past I was still walking no cars had pass me, it seem like there was no soul out here besides me. All I could see was fields of grass it was like everything was just fields no houses. I started to think about what I did I had every right to hit Tyler he kept making me angry, I should have known he was trouble. I cannot believe I started to feel bad for him; he did not care about how I felt. But then again I kind of did lead him on which was my fault there, but I also did not ask him to kiss me.

I kept on walking for about four hours I finally started to see houses, cars kept passing me by I was surprise no one stop to ask me if I needed a ride. I kept on looking out to see if Stacey or the doctor was out looking for me. I walk along the sidewalk just kept on looking straight; as I was walking, I saw a park on my left side. I walk closer to see if anyone was around I couldn’t see no one, I walk towards on of the benches. I was beyond tired all I wanted to do was sleep, but I was afraid if I close, my eyes someone might get me or the doctor will take me back.

I lay down on the bench looking up towards the sky thinking about what I should do. My mind was yelling at me telling me I should turn around and head back. My heart was screaming for me to keep on walking that if I went back I was going to be lock up in that room. The doctor has no right to lock me up in a room all I did was hit someone it was not as if I had murder someone.

My thoughts started to go to Gerard I couldn’t help but wonder where he was, he never told me if he had finally left the asylum or what. I wish I could fine him I need him right now; he would know what I should do. My heart started to break while thinking about him I just wanted to feel safe again, I only felt safe when I was with him. My eyes started to become heavy I tried my hardest not to fall asleep but I was beyond tired, before I knew I had fallen asleep.

*Two Hours Later*

I felt someone shake me I did won’t to open my eyes in fear who the stranger might be; part of me feared it was the doctor ready to take me back, the other part feared it was some stranger. It was until I heard the voice that I knew who it was.

“Frankie, “The voice said.

I slowly open my eyes to see Gerard standing over me at first I thought I might be dreaming, but I soon realize it was no dream.

“Frank what are you doing out here, “He ask in a worried tone.

“I ran away. I had hit Tyler and the doctor wanted to lock me up in a room for a few days, I didn’t won’t to be lock up so I ran away. I cannot go back there, “I said while sitting up.

“Frank do you know how dangers it is being out here by yourself? Someone could have grabbed you or worst killed you. You shouldn’t have run away, but I understand why you did. Don’t worry your safe with me, “He said while hugging me.

In that moment I no longer cared about anything else, I was finally safe.

[Thanks for the reviews.This story will have 84 chapters.}
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