Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Another Chance

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-22 - Updated: 2010-12-23 - 708 words - Complete

I couldn’t believe Gerard had found me out here he was the last person I would think to see. I was beyond happy when I open my eyes to see him. I never wanted to leave him I felt safe it was as if my fears never came around with him, that I did not have to fear when I was with him. But I knew soon I would have to go back that I couldn’t stay out here forever.

“I don’t won’t to go back, I hate it there, “I said as we sat on the bench.

“Do you not think it is helping you, “He ask me.

“I think in some ways it’s helping me, but the doctor wants to lock me up in a fucking room just for hitting someone. I’ve already been down the road before I’m not going back down it again, “I said in angry.

“I know you have and I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking about that. The doctor shouldn’t lock you up in a room that’s not right, but it wasn’t right for you to run away either. If something would have happen to you I don’t know what I would do without you, I love you so much, “He replied while looking at me.

“I love you more then you could ever think I hate not having you there being with me. I know I shouldn’t have ran away but I wasn’t thinking at the time. I just wanted to be far away from that place, so I just ran. I want to get better so I can finally be able to live a normal life, but if their going to lock me in a room every time I do something bad then I won’t make it in there, “I said.

“When you left the Asylum I worried everyday about you, wondering if you were alright. If anyone tried to hurt you or anything like that. I also worried about if you would have met someone else who would take my place. I know being there is hard and you are right the doctor shouldn’t be locking you up in a room but if it means getting better and finally having a life, then could you give it another shot, “He ask me.

Part of me did want to go back to just better and finally have a life, but at the same time, my mind just didn’t won’t to go back. I had to face my fears I had to finally move on without my fears to have a life.

“I will go back for you, I want to finally be with you and have a life. But I just want you to know no one could ever take your place, you are the only one who makes me feel safe. You are the only one who I love and nothing can ever change that. I worried about you too, but I knew you could face your fears. Just promise me you will see me every chance you get, “I said.

“I’m so glad to hear you say you’ll go back, it’s not that I want you too because if I could have it my way I wouldn’t let you. But I know you need to finally get rid of your fears to finally have a normal life, so we can be together. That makes me feel better to hear you say that, and I promise I will see you every chance I can., “He said before kissing me.

I haven’t kiss him in forever I forgot what it felt like, to have his lips on mine made me forget about the world, to forget everything that was happening. We pulled apart I smiled nothing could take my happiness away.

“So are you ready to head back now, “He ask while looking at me.

“I’m ready, “I replied. We got up from the bench and started to head back to Royal Park.

Second Update. I'm going to try to add all the chapters to this story before Christmas, so this story will end soon.
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