Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

No Turning Back

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-22 - Updated: 2010-12-23 - 854 words - Complete

Two hours have past since we started to walk back to Royal Park, my mind was screaming for me to turn around and just run away. But it’s not like I would get far Gerard would chase after me, I was doing this for him. No matter how much I hated this place I was going for Gerard so I could finally be better. I started to fear when I get there if the doctor would lock me up in a room still; I wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Are you okay, “Gerard ask while breaking the silence.

“Mhmm, “I mumble

Before I knew, Gerard got in front of me, which cause me to crash into him.

“Tell me what’s wrong, “He ask while putting his hands on my shoulder.

“I don’t won’t to go, I hate that place. I am just going for you, and so I can finally get better, “I said while not looking at him.

I wasn’t lying I wanted nothing more then to just turn around and never look back. Gerard warp his arms around me, he was making it hard. I wanted to stay with him as long as I was with him all my fears went away.

“I got an idea; if you want me to I can ask the doctor if I can stay until you leave, “He said.

I got out of his arms and look at him; I couldn’t let him stay with me even when my heart wanted him too. I wanted him to stay with me because then I know I could do this, but he was free I couldn’t make him stay when he can finally be out in the real world.

“No don’t, I can’t make you stay just for me. You have a life you finally left the asylum; I cannot make you stay in some place when you don’t need too, “I replied while looking at him.

“Frank if it means making you happy I don’t mind really, I can’t have a life until you’re finally with me. And when I went to visit you the doctor told me if there was anytime I felt my fears coming back I could stay there, I could use more help “He said.

“Why didn’t you tell me before, “I ask.

“I wanted to see if you could get better without, and I wanted to see if I could make it on my own. I mean there are moments were I start to fear but it goes away, but I want to do this for you to show you I’m not going anywhere, “He said with a smile.

Words could not say how happy I was, having Gerard there would help me. I also feared that the doctor would change his mind that he would send Gerard somewhere else, but I push those thoughts out of my mind. We started to walk back I still wanted to turn around and run away, but I wasn’t going too. Hours went by before we reach Royal Park the gate was open. The sun was setting the night was setting in; I kept on walking up the payment with Gerard by my side. Before I knew, we reach the front door I took a deep breath before opening the door. My heart was beating beyond fast I was afraid the doctor would be beyond mad and kick me out. I open the door to see no one around; I walk in first while Gerard followed behind. Just then, I heard a voice.

“Frank, “

I turn around to see Stacey she had a worried look on her face; she wasn’t worried about me, was she?

“Frank we have been looking all over for you, I’ve been worried about you, “She said while hugging me.

Stacey never really hug me she was the only other person I let hug me I could trust her.

“I’m sorry to worry you but I had to run away, I wasn’t going to be lock up in a room. I wasn’t going back down the road again, “I said while letting go for her.

“I know Frank and if you would have stayed I wasn’t going to let you be lock up in a room, I wasn’t going to let the doctor do that. But I am glad you are alright. Did Gerard bring you here, “She ask while looking at me.

“I fell asleep on a bench in a park, Gerard saw me lying there. His the one who told me I should go back, “I said while looking at him

“Thank you Gerard. Listen why don’t you stay here with Frank for the night, and for a couple of days. I know it would help Frank out, don’t worry about the doctor I will take care of everything, “She replied.

“Thanks Stacey, “Gerard said.

“Your welcome, “She said before walking away.

Maybe coming back wasn’t a bad idea after all.
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