Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Should Have Stay Away

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-22 - Updated: 2010-12-23 - 728 words - Complete

I spent the whole night wake thinking I was afraid of what the doctor would say about me running away. I also wonder if he would make Gerard. I just knew if Gerard had to leave then I was leaving too I couldn’t stay here not without him. I watch Gerard sleep through the night he look peaceful I was kind of afraid to sleep fearing if I close my eyes for one second that when I open my eyes he would be gone. I couldn’t sleep until I knew he wasn’t going anywhere. Before I knew it was morning time the sun shine through my window lighting up my room, I felt better knowing I had light. I wasn’t afraid of the dark as I was before I was still somewhat scared. After laying there for hours I finally got up I let Gerard sleeping knowing he had to be tried.

I open my door hoping not to wake Gerard up which I didn’t, I left my room going to see the doctor. I couldn’t be at peace knowing everything would be alright. My heart was racing what if the doctor wasn’t happy about me running away or the fact Gerard was here, all the thoughts run through my mind. Before I knew I found myself out the doctor’s office, I took a deep breath before heading in. As I walk in, I saw the doctor sitting behind his deck, he look at me and give me a smile, which kind of made me feel better.

“I was wondering if you were going to come back, “The doctor said as I sit down.

“You’re not mad, “I ask in shock.

“I understand why you ran away, I am sorry for threatening to lock you up in a room. I had no idea that had happen to you before and it was the wrong way to handle it. I am glad you came back though, and I know Gerard came with you. I see how much he has help you with your fears that you do work better with him here, that’s why I’m letting him stay. I know you couldn’t do this without him, “The doctor replied.

I was beyond shock I never thought the doctor would let Gerard stay or even say sorry for what he did. At that moment I was beyond happy, I was happy to have Gerard stay here.

“Thank you for letting him stay, I can’t tell you how much that makes me feel, “I said.

“No problem, I’m only doing this because I want you to get better so you can finally leave this place, ‘The doctor said while looking at me.

I nodded my head knowing I understood after talking for a few minutes I left his office feeling beyond better. I walk towards my room as I was walking I saw Tyler walking down the hallway, my heart stop. I tried to act as if I did not see him but before I could walk away, he got in front of me.

“You should have just stayed away, I don’t see why you even came back, “Tyler said.

“I came back to get better, but I wish I would have stayed away so I wouldn’t have to see your face, “I replied in angry.

“Go head get angry, feel like hitting me again, “He replied trying to make me even angrier.

“Get lost Tyler I don’t feel like arguing with you, “I said hoping he would just leave.

“You know you want to hit me, go head I won’t tell anyone, “He replied.

I glared at him I wanted to hit him I was still angry with him and it wasn’t helping that he was making me more angry, but just then I heard another voice.

“Don’t hit him Frankie his not worth it, “Gerard said while standing behind Tyler.

“Yeah Frankie go listen to your boyfriend, “Tyler said mocking him.

“Go hell Tyler, I’m not going to fucking hit you because your not worth it, “I replied while walking away from him.

I had a bad feeling it wouldn’t be the last time I would be seeing him.

Two more updates and thats it,until tomorrow.
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