Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Far From Over

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-22 - Updated: 2010-12-23 - 570 words - Complete

A couple of days have past since that whole thing happen with Tyler. I knew he wouldn’t stay away forever he was going to do whatever it took to make my life a living hell. I wasn’t going to let that happen I had Gerard here with me every step of the way as long as I had him I knew everything would be alright. It has been almost a week since I ran away I started to do tests again to help me with my fear I have been doing good but I only started yesterday I had a long way to go. Gerard and I were sitting outside enjoying the warm air.

“I feel bad for you being here, “I said while looking at him.

“Why, “He ask

“You don’t need to be here you’re cured. I am the one who belongs here, you should be enjoying the real world, “I replied.

“I told you before I don’t care about the real world I want to be here with you helping you in anyway I can. I want you to finally get better so you can finally leave this place and finally live your life, “He said.

I felt better after he said that but I still felt somewhat bad for doing this to him he doesn’t need to be here but I am glad he is staying. Just then, I heard the door open I turn my head over my shoulder to see Tyler walking out here, my heart drop I wanted nothing to do with him.

“Do you want to leave? “ Gerard ask while looking at me.

“Yeah let’s go in, “I said as we stood up to leave.

As we started to walk towards the door, Tyler walks over towards my side and pushes me but not hard enough to make me fall.

“Move out of my way, fag “Tyler said not even looking at me.

“What the fuck Tyler, I was not in your damn way. And don’t you dare call me a fag asshole, “I said in angry.

“Or what you’re going to hit? Or better yet having your fucking boyfriend hit me, “He said mock.

“I wouldn’t waste one punch on you. You’re not fucking worth it, “I said while glaring at him.

I wasn’t going to let him get the best of me I was stronger then him.

“Like I believe that, you just don’t want your boyfriend to get sent away if you hit me. But that’s alright go head hit I want fucking tell, “He said while standing in front of me.

“Frank don’t listen to him, just come on his not worth looking at, “Gerard said while standing behind me.

“Yeah go listen to your little boyfriend, since he has you warp around his finger, “He said with an evil smile.

“I fucking had it with you. Unlike him, I am not afraid of getting kick out and I am not afraid to hit some damn punk who think’s their better then everyone else. So if I were you I would leave, “Gerard said while standing in front of me.

“This isn’t over mark my words, “Tyler said while looking at me one last time before walking away.

And I had a horrible feeling he would live up to his word.
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