Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Not Ashamed

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-22 - Updated: 2010-12-23 - 663 words - Complete

Two days have past without Tyler giving me any kind of trouble. Every time I was, alone I feared Tyler would come over any moment. I wasn’t afraid of him I was just afraid of what he could do I had no idea how strong he was or what he was capable of. I was going to do everything I could do get out of here I wanted to be far from here. Everyday was a new test for me to get over my fears; I was almost over my fear of the dark. The only fear I was having trouble with is when people touch me I still hated that, being around strangers I could handle to a point.

Today I was meeting with Stacey since it has been weeks since we last talk she was really helping me. I know I couldn’t have made it this far without her pushing me I could have done this at all without having Gerard.

“So Frank tell me how have you been, “Stacey said.

“I would be alright if Tyler would leave me alone. Two days ago Gerard and I we were sitting outside when Tyler came out. We decide to go in I wanted nothing to do with Tyler, as we’re walking Tyler push me and calling me a fag. He also told me this wasn’t over with, “I replied.

“ You should have told me this when it happen. Don’t worry I’m going to talk to Tyler nothing is going to happen. But other then that, anything else been bothering or something you want to talk about, “She ask.

“Not really everything has been going great. I feel like my fears are going away and that it won’t be long before I can finally leave, “I said.

“If you keep going the way you have been then it won’t be long, “She replied.

I only spent about 30 minutes talking to her since I had nothing to talk about, we cut it short. I headed out of her office heading towards back to my room, as I was walking I heard someone else walking too I look to see Tyler. My heart started to race I knew he was going to leave up to his word I knew he was going to do something.

“Well looks who’s without there little boyfriend, “Tyler said while standing in front of me.

“Tyler go away, I won’t nothing to do with you. I tried to be your damn friend and you didn’t won’t it, so just leave me the hell along, “I replied in angry.

“You didn’t try to be my friend; you played with my damn feelings. One minute you didn’t like me then you had to question yourself if you did. On top of that, it took you forever just to tell me you had a boyfriend, sounds like you are shame, “He said.

“For the last damn time I said I was sorry for that, but I’m not no more. I am not shame damn it I love him and there is nothing you can do about that. I would never like you, so do your self a favor and leave me along, “I replied.

I was happy that I was sticking up for myself, Tyler just look at me. For a minute I thought he was just going to walk away, but I saw something shiny in his hand, before I could even stop him I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I grab my stomach while slowly going down on the floor, Tyler look at me before bending down.

“If I can’t have you then no one can, “He whisper.

My eyes were becoming heavy I tried to fight it but the darkness was taking over, before I knew it everything went black.

Told you the worst wasn't over. Last update. Will update again tomorrow.
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