Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Don't Blame Your Sself

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-27 - Updated: 2010-12-28 - 670 words - Complete

I would never believe that Tyler could do such a thing I knew he was angry with me but I never thought he would try to kill me. His words still repeat in my mind I would never be his the last thing I saw before I black out was his face. I thought I was going to die on the cold floor part of me wanted to die all my fears would finally be gone I could live without any fears, finally be able to live. The other part wanted to live for one person and that was Gerard if it wasn’t for him I would have made sure I did die.

My eyes slowly open I look around to see white walls part of me started to believe I was dead but I open my eyes all the way to see I was in the hospital. My stomach was hurting just a little I look to see my stomach was warp up I could see a little bit a blood bleeding through it but it was already dried up. Just then, I heard someone walk in before I could look to see I heard the voice.

“You’re awake, “The voice said.

I look to see Gerard walking over towards me I smiled I was happy he was here, I felt safe knowing he was here.

“I’m so glad you’re here, “I said while looking at him.

Before I knew it, he came over towards me and hug me that safe feeling was back. As long as he was here, I knew nothing else could happen.

“I was so worried about you I haven’t left your side. When I saw you laying on the ground my world stop, I couldn’t even think straight I thought you were dead. I am so sorry I wasn’t with you I should have been if I was you wouldn’t be here right now, “He said while still hugging me.

“It’s not your fault don’t blame your self, none of this is your fault. I wasn’t going to leave you no matter what. I’m alright I promise, “I replied.

“I do blame myself I should have gone with you I knew Tyler was trouble, I wanted to kill him for what he did. The police came and got him even though his sick his still being sent to jail, he broke down and started to cry saying he didn’t meant too. I’m just happy that you’re alive, “He said while letting go of me.

“Please don’t blame yourself you didn’t know this was going to happen no one did. I’m glad Tyler is sent away it’s where he belongs. As I said I’m not going anywhere I promise, “I said while a smile.

I could tell Gerard still blame his self but I kept telling him this was not his fault he didn’t know what Tyler was going I didn’t know either. He lay down be side me I didn’t won’t this moment to last I felt safe knowing he was here with me. I could finally go back to Royal Park without having Tyler there making me life a living hell.

An hour went by since I had woke up I wanted to leave the hospital already I never like hospital, just then the doctor walk in.

“It’s good to you see awake, how do you feel, “The doctor ask.

“Tried. My stomach is somewhat sore, “I said.

“That’s normal I will send some pain pills with them take them anytime your stomach starts to hurt. I want you to rest for another hour to make sure everything is alright and then you can leave, “The doctor replied.

The doctor look at my stomach to make sure everything was alright before leaving the room. I just couldn’t wait to leave the hospital.

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