Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum


by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-28 - Updated: 2010-12-29 - 684 words - Complete

A week has gone by since I left the hospital I thought since Tyler was no longer around I would be alright, I was far from wrong. I cannot walk by the spot where I Tyler stab me. Every time I try to walk by the thoughts of that day replay in my mind. At first I just kept it to myself I didn’t won’t Gerard or Stacey to know I had a new fear, but when I was walking with Gerard I froze I just couldn’t walk. Finally, I told him I just couldn’t walk by that spot.

Today I would be talking to Stacey I needed her help in this I didn’t won’t to bother Gerard more then I had. I felt like he was getting tired of me always looking for him for answers even though he would tell me other wise. I headed into his office as I walk I saw her sitting behind her desk.

“Hey Frank, “She said with a smile.

“Hey, “I said while sitting down.

“So how are you, “She ask.

“I don’t know anymore honesty. I thought now that since Tyler has left I would be better but now I cannot walk by the spot where it all happen. Every time I tried it replays in my mind, “I replied.

“It’s normal for you to fear that; it’s just getting over that fear is the hardest part. Do you feel as if you pass something bad is going to happen, “She ask.

“I don’t think so I think it’s just the thoughts that keep replaying in my mind that’s stopping me, “I said.

“Then it’s just your mind that’s getting the best of you. If you keep letting this happen, you will never be better. What about you’re other fears? “She ask while looking at me.

“It’s like I can’t control my own mind every time I try to think of something else my mind runs back to the fear. I haven’t even thought about those fears, “I replied.

“Fear is something we can either control or let it take over. I know if you keep trying each day to walk by that spot you’ll be able to walk by with no problem, it may take sometime but all you can do is try, “She said.

Getting over my fears is the hardest thing I ever have to do it’s like I get over one fear and soon after I get another fear. I can’t keep letting the fear control my life I want to be able to live my life to be able to control my own life without having any fears.

I finally went back to my room after talking to Stacey for an hour once I got to my room I saw Gerard sitting on my bed. He has is own room but he hardly stays in there not that I mind I’m glad his stays with me makes me feel safe.

“So how did it go, “He ask.

“It went alright. I just have to stop fear from taking over I cannot let it control me. It is hard walking by the spot I cannot help but rethink what happen that day, “I said while sitting by side him.

“I know it’s hard for you. It is hard for me walking by that spot also I can’t help but think every time I come close to it that I’m going to see you laying there again, “He replied.

“I never knew you felt this way, why didn’t you tell me, “I ask.

“I didn’t won’t to worry you. You have your own fears, you don’t need to worry about mine also, “He said while looking at me.

“I do worry about you and I always will. Maybe we can work on this together, “I said.

“We can do this, “He replied.

That would be easier said then done.

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