Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

A week has past since I last tired to get over my fear. I just wanted to give up I was getting no where, every time I left my room I would take the long way to go some where because I’m so afraid to walk by that spot. I never thought I would get this low enough to be afraid to walk by a stupid spot on the floor. It was enough for me to be afraid of the dark but now I’m afraid to even walk down a hallway. Every day was a test for me I have tried to walk down the hallway but after two days of trying I finally just stop. If I can’t get over this fear I will never be able to leave this place. The whole point for me to come here was to get better help, so far it hasn’t help me.

Gerard has been trying to help me in anyway he can, he never gives up on me even though I’m starting to give up on myself. I’m realizing that getting over your own fear is not as easy as it seems, this fear can haunt you forever if you let it. Today I was going to talk to Stacey, since I haven’t got over my fear she won’t to know what’s going through my head but I’m afraid I don’t even know what’s going through my mind. I leave my room taking the long way to her office when I could have just walk down that hallway I would have done been there. Finally I reach her office I open the door to step in.

“Hello Frank,” Stacey said while sitting behind her desk.

“Hello, “I replied before sitting in a chair that is facing her desk.

“So how have you been, “She ask while looking at me.

“Honesty I don’t know anymore. I can’t get over the fear of walking down that hallway every time I try I freeze up, the memories of that day replay in my head, “I said.

“I know this is hard for you, getting over one fear then have this whole new fear. But you can’t let fear win you cannot let fear take over and your letting it. It will take time for you to face your fear but you can do this, if you keep trying, “She replied.

“I’ve been hearing that every since I was in the asylum that I shouldn’t let fear take over but I always do, in the end fear has won. It has been a week since I last tried to walk by that spot, I’m starting to lose faith in myself, “I said while looking at her.

“There you go letting fear take over, you’re losing faith in yourself because you’re finally letting fear take over your life. I know that is not what you want and I know that you can get over this fear, if you finally got over your fear of the dark then you can get over this fear, “She said.

Stacey was right if I got over my fear of the dark then I could get over this fear. I’m just tried of trying to get over fears it’s all I do, but I can’t keep letting fears take over my life. I have to live my own life without any fears getting in the way.

An hour went by while talking to Stacey, I finally left her office. I went down the hallway I knew any minute fear would be setting in that all the memories would be replaying in my head any second now. I had to do this I had to get over this damn fear, I wanted to leave this place I wanted to be fear free. Before I even knew it I finally reach the spot, all the memories started to fill my mind, I wasn’t about to let fear win. I was going to make it down the hallway somehow. I couldn't let fear win this time I had to be strong somehow I was going to beat this fear, even though this was not going to be easy.

Third Update. I'm going to go ahead and end this story.
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