Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

One Day

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-28 - Updated: 2010-12-29 - 724 words - Complete

I started at the long hallway it has been three days since I last talk to Stacey. All I had to do was walk down the hallway it was easy if only that was true. Thoughts of that day keep replaying in my mind no matter how hard I try to make every thought go away I can’t. I was frozen in that one spot my legs would not move I tried to move but it seem like my legs didn’t get the message.

“I know you can do this Frankie, “Gerard said while standing right beside me.

“I want to believe you but I can’t, I can’t even move from this spot. The thoughts won’t leave my mind, I can’t do this, “I said while turning around to leave but before I could even move Gerard grab my arm.

“Frank you can do this I believe in you and I will never stop believing in you. I will be right here if you need me. I’m not letting you give up this easy, “He replied while looking at me.

Gerard was right I can do this if I just believe I can even though I would be lying if I said I did believe in me. I sigh to myself I turn around to look back down the hallway it seem like it was longer then it was. I had to push my fear away I had to do this I could do this.

“Alright I’ll give it a try, “I said while not taking my eyes off the hallway.

I started to slowly walk down the hallway it seems like the thoughts were becoming more real as each step that I took. I wasn’t going to let this stop me I had to face my fear someday and today was going to be that day. I was in the middle of the hallway just a few more steps and I’ll be at that spot, I stop to turn around to see Gerard still standing there with a smile on his face.

I turn back around facing the hallway once again fear was building up I could feel my hands start to shake. I wasn’t going to go insane I was not going to let this fear take over my life. I slowly started making my way down the hallway I finally reach the spot I froze my legs wouldn’t move anymore. I just kept staring at that spot the thoughts were still replaying in my mind, finally I snap out of it.

I took my eyes of the spot and look straight head all I had to do was keep walking and I would have finally face my fear. My legs started to slowly move again before I even knew it I was already at the end of the hallway I couldn’t believe it I finally face my fear. I turn to see Gerard smiling I could tell he was proud of me I was even proud of me, I finally face my fear.

I ran back down the hallway I reach Gerard and hug him, I couldn’t have done this without him pushing me and believing in me when I didn’t.

“I couldn’t have done this without you, “I said while still hugging him.

“I’m so proud of you, “He said.

“I’m proud of myself I still can’t believe I face my fear, I almost fear free. It won’t be long until I can finally leave this place and live my life as a normal person, “I replied while letting go of him.

“And I’ll be with you every step of the way, “He said with a smile.

Without Gerard, I don’t think I would have even tried facing all my fears I would still be in the asylum acting like an insane person going insane every time I was face with my fears. I still can’t believe I made it this far that I’m almost cured that finally one day I can live my life as a normal person, I can finally see the real world and not from behind a wall. One day that day will come and when it does, I will be ready.
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