Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Almost Gone

by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-28 - Updated: 2010-12-29 - 733 words - Complete

I still could not believe I finally face my fear I was that much closer to leaving this asylum. My fear of the dark was gone I could finally be left alone in the dark without going insane. I never thought I would make it this far I never thought I would even face my fears. I have come a long way I was getting better each day; even though sometimes I feel like my fears are, still there I just keep on pushing my fears away. It has been a week since I got over my fear on that spot in the hallway, today I was talking to Stacey.

“So how do you feel about facing your fear, “She ask while writing in her notebook.

“I feel like me again I feel like I can face anything now. I never thought I would make it this far, I got over my fear of the dark. Now I’m working on being around strangers I’m slowly starting to get over my fear, “I replied.

“I’m proud of you I knew you could do this. And it’s a big step getting over your fear of the dark. Just take it one day at a time and soon you will be over that fear as well, “She said while looking at me.

I smiled I hardly smiled any more but now I’m smiling a lot I’m starting to become the old me again, the person who was never afraid of anything. I would give anything to be me again but I know I just can’t become the person I once was just like that.

“I’m slowly becoming the old me again, I almost forgot what it was like, “I said.

“What was the old you like, “She said while writing.

“The old me was never afraid of anything, always had a positive mind. Never cared on what people thought of me. I always smiling never fake a smile well only when I had bad days. Then one day I, some how became this person. I never could understand how I became the person I am now, I always tried to think of what happen what went wrong but never could find an answer, “ I replied.

“I still think the old you is still there that it never left. You just became this person some how but never let the old you go. Everything happens for a reason maybe one day you will know the answer of what happen or maybe you won’t. Some things are better left unanswered, just know you will become the old you again, She said with a smile.

Maybe she was right maybe the old me never left I don’t think it did I think the old me was always here dying to come out again I just some how got trap in this life that I forgot how to become the old me again. I could see myself slowly become the person I once was, I just needed to keep getting better and before I know it, I would be me again.

After an hour of talking with Stacey I, left her office I walk towards the sundeck were I knew Gerard would be at. This as become an everyday thing we would always go outside for hours and just talk I was surprise we still had things to talk about, it seems like we would never run out of things to say. Once I was outside, I walk over towards Gerard and sat down right beside him.

“So how did things go with Stacey, “He asks while looking at me.

“It went great. We just talk like always; I told her I could see the old me coming out again. That I was becoming the person I was before all of this, “I replied.

“I’m glad you're becoming the old you not that I had problem with the way you are. I’m also glad your fears are going away it won’t be long until you can finally leave this place, “He said.

“I know I can’t wait for that day to come, “I replied.

After about an hour we walk back inside we were walking down the hallway when I froze I could not believe what I was seeing, right in front of me was Tyler.
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