Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sleep Death, My Love

Chapter Three

by DeJaSins 3 reviews

Daisies sure are pretty, especially when they're covered in blood...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Horror,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-01-04 - Updated: 2011-01-05 - 3761 words

Alright! Thanks to all of you who have decided to stick with me on this rollercoaster and thanks to you who have reviewed. I wont ask nor beg for reviews, but they would be appreciated, or rather constructive criticism would be. This is my first 'novel' thus any and all helpful comments or even a congraulatory pat on the back would be great, but anyways, let not me keep you from your story. Thanks again for reading!

Mikey's Point Of View

The cool wind whipped at my face as I gazed down at the massive field of daisies before me. The air was once peaceful and the sky, a brilliant blue like the purest of waters. But as the winds strength increased, so too did the darkness in the sky, until it had become black as if condescendingly mocking the innocent, white daisies beneath it whilst its howling wind whipped them into submission. I stared at those helplessly innocent flowers until a bloodcurdling screech bellowed from one of them as red splotches stained its pure petals of white...

I awoke in absolute darkness, drenched in sweat which contradicted my trembling body. I looked up at the ceiling as I recollected about the dream I just had and try to deduce why my heart refused to stop pounding from it. Closing my eyes to the darkness, the field of white daisies replaces my vision. Daisies splattered red...

Through my closed eyes I notice a beam of light has suddenly come on, piercing it way through the darkness. Puzzled, I open my eyes to find that the light that has dispersed the darkness in my room happens to be coming from the television which stands parallel to the bed in which I lye. I strain my eyes, due to the uncomfortable sensation of a sudden bright light piercing through a room of darkness, and fumble whilst attempting to stand due to the awkward yet still firm grip fatigue had around me. As I walk towards the t.v. And the blurriness begins to fade, I am able to espy that the movie currently playing is a black and white silent film. The actor within the movie looks vaguely familiar, but as tired as I am, I can not begin to feel compelled to figure out who he is. I should be more concerned with figuring out why and how the television turned on by its self as it did, I ponder as I push the black round button that reads 'POWER' found at the bottom of the t.v., plunging my room into the now interrupted darkness from which it began.
Crawling back into bed, I glance toward the dresser located at the right of my bed. The light of three red, glowing numbers return my gaze and inform me that it is only 3:50 a.m. I sigh loudly realizing that it would likely be hours before anyone else would awaken, thus I was left with only myself and my imagination to occupy that time.

I stared up at the ceiling as I tried to allow my eyes time to adjust to the darkness so that I would eventually be able to discern certain figures and objects throughout the dark room. Slowly yet surely, objects about the room began to take shape. Out of sheer boredom, I let my eyes scan the bedroom and attempt to name the silhouetted objects that I am able to distinguish: T.V., dresser, closet door,...What, what is that?
In the corner of the room closest to the window, there is a silhouette of an object that I just can't seem to recognize. I squint my eyes in hopes that I can more appropriately perceive the object throughout the cover of darkness.
I trace the silhouette with my eyes starting at the bottom and slowly making my way to the top. The object is somewhat small and round... No, that's not it. It's bent or folded over so what, is it? As I stare at the unknown object I grip the sheets that lye on top of my body as that chilling sensation once again overwhelms me, so much so that it causes me to tremble and squeeze my eyes shut as I do so. But then a faint noise falls down to my ears. It's, the sound of... someone crying. And its coming from the far corner of the room.

I sit up slowly in bed, my hands clenching so tightly to the covers that my knuckles have turned white. My heart beating so hard that it's causing my chest to ache, and so loud that it's nearly drowning out the sound of the weeping. I gulp loudly as I turn my body to face the direction of the source of the weeping. What I see causes both my body and thoughts to freeze, my breath to still in my lungs and my eyes widen as fear drops like a heavy veil over my entire body.

In the corner of the room, is the same woman from earlier. She is crumbled to the floor, curled up in a ball and dressed in a loose white gown that is drenched in something dark right at her midsection. Her left arm wraps itself about her body, while her hand grips the spot tightly as she stares at me with tears and something dark streaming down her beautiful, pale face from a gash just above her right eyebrow.
She slowly raises her right hand, and my body begins to tremble ferociously as she does so. Her hand stops in midair and she reaches forward slowly as if trying to grasp something.
I squeeze my eyes shut and turn my head away as I try to rationalize what is happening. This is impossible! I must still be dreaming! That's the only thing that makes sense. So, when I open my eyes, she's no longer going to be there, because this is all just, a dream.
I open my eyes again and look to the corner to find it devoid of the lamentable women. I close my eyes again as a sigh of relief courses its way through my body ceasing my trembling.

I open my eyes only to have the vision of darkness I was blessed with, replaced with the brunette beauty kneeling on the foot of the bed directly before me, hand still reaching towards me, a mere five inches away from my face. I could feel the cold radiating off of her hand and the scent of iron filled my nose.
“Darling... I still love you” she says softly with a forlorn smile as her tears suddenly grow bright red.
A bloodcurdling scream rips its way throughout my body as I throw my body to the floor in an effort to escape both her oncoming grip and my vision of her. I curl my body into a ball and bury my face into my hands as I continue to scream.

“Mikey! Mikey whats wrong!” My screams cease as the familiar voice finds its way through my hysteria and to my ears. I slowly pull my hands from my face and open my eyes to find light pouring through my open bedroom door and Gerard's worried face staring down at my own. His hands tightly gripped my shoulders and his eyes, wide with both fear and concern looked my entire body over in panic.
“Mikey! Mikey answer me! What's wrong?!” He practically screamed, tears now gathering at the base of his eyes. I pull my body up and into a sitting position and throw myself into his arms, burying my now tear-streaked face into his chest as I cry louder. Eventually, I pull back from him to look into his worry-stricken face.

“Gerard I was so scared! I couldn't move and I could barely breathe! And she was there Gerard” I screamed through a fit of tears, my eyes widening as if to emphasize that fact as I rose my trembling hand and pointed to the corner which was now completely vacant.
“She was right there! I saw her!” I cried as I buried my face back into his chest, staining his pajama top with my frightened tears as he wraps his arms tightly around me, placing his cheek on top of my head.

“What's wrong with him?” Came an empathetic voice from the hallway. Gerard merely shook his head as he continued stroking mine in an attempt to help me obtain some measure of consolation during my moment of delirium..

“He'll be okay. I'm certain he just had an extremely vivid nightmare that he hasn't quite shaken off yet” he said, trying to reassure them although he himself looked unconvinced.

I shook my body loose from his embrace and looked him straight in the eye.
“It wasn't a nightmare, Gerard! I saw her! She was in that corner and then she was right in front of me and she tried to touch me! And she was crying Gee!” I screamed as I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes. I looked at Gerard who was staring at the wooden floor beneath us and biting on his bottom lip, a habit he performs whenever he's at an absolute loss for words.
No longer, in his embrace, I was able to look up to discover who the owner of the voice was, only to find Ray and Frank standing in the doorway, confusion and concern displayed on both of their faces simultaneously as they watched the spectacle, that was I, before them. I looked back to Gerard who was now staring at me.

“Mikey. I know that you think that what you saw was real, but think about it. What is the likeliness that what you saw was an actual ghost and not just a part of your imagination? It's pitch dark in here and you had just awakened. You were probably just partially sleep, Mikey. Which is why it seemed so realistic and vivid. Doesn't that make more sense?”

“Yeah like when you dreamed that you awoke from a dream and went to the bathroom and started to pee but you were actually still dreaming and just peeing on yourself” Frank added with a smile as he looked at Gerard, who shot him a dirty look for bringing up his past misfortunes and joking around at so sensitive a time.

I sniffled as I looked back at the corner where I had first seen the woeful woman. What if it really was just a dream? What if I had merely had a dream within a dream, like Frank said. And when I thought I had awakened, I was actually still asleep.
I glance downward at my still shaking hands. If that's true, then it would much more logical than a ghost, and it would also explain why the T.V. Turned on by itself.
I look back down at my hands to notice that they tremble less with more of the logic that I enchant myself with.

“I. I guess that makes sense,” I said, more-so to myself than anyone else present. Gerard's eyes cooled with a slight relief at my words.

Frank yawned loudly, calling forth everyone's attention. “Well if you're okay then I'm heading back to bed,” he said with a wave over his shoulder as he turned and began walking down the long hallway towards his room. Ray bid us farewell and did the same. Gerard and I stayed sitting on the floor beside the bed in silence, save the occasional sound of my sniffling. Gerard kept glancing at me before staring down at the wooden floor beneath us, out of what I assume to be embarrassment for me. After about five minutes, Gerard yawned, raising his arms above his head as he cracked his back, and I felt the fear of being alone slowly creep over me as I realized that he was readying himself for his departure and I felt myself longing for a time in our childhood when Gerard would allow me to crawl into bed with him whenever I was frightened by the bogeyman or whatever hellish nightmare had plagued my dreams.

He stood and walked towards the door and I dropped my head and stared at the ground, completely unable to watch him leave, even the sound of his footsteps heading towards the exit and out of my presence was nearly mind-shattering. But, surprise took hold of me when I heard said footsteps stop instead of fading down the hall.

“Mikey, if. If it's not to much to ask, would you sleep in my room tonight, like we used to do?”
My head shot up in surprise as I watched him in confusion. He stood in the middle of the doorway with his back to me, and was nervously picking at a nail in the door frame that stuck out further than it should. He turned his torso so as to look at me with a weary smile.
“It's just that, I'd sleep a lot better if I knew you were beside me” He practically whispered as he turned back around, now facing the empty hallway.
I stood up slowly and walked towards my brother, slipping my hands into his. He smiled at me sheepishly, and began leading me down the hall to his room as I threw a final look at the darkness besieged room that I was happily leaving for the night.

We lye in bed together laying on our sides with him taking up the entirety of the left side of the bed and I the right, faces a mere foot apart from each other's, with our hands clasped together, fingers laced perfectly. I stared at his hazel eyes, nearly covered by eyelids dropping from fatigue and watched as his chest heaved in and out. An uneasy feeling washed over me as I realized he'd fall asleep far before I would, and I'd be left prey to the darkness and my imagination once more.

“Gerard?” I whispered.
“Huh?” he questioned groggily as he slowly pulled himself back from out of the firm grip sleep had on him.

“Are you... Are you certain it was all just a dream?” I asked in an attempt to both keep him awake and settle my own fear and uneasiness. Gerard released my hand and brought his up to rest upon my left cheek with his thumb gently moving back and forth across it.

“Whether I'm certain it was a dream or not doesn't matter. Because what I am and always will be certain about is that you have me and everyone else here to protect and look after you. So don't worry, Mikes. Everything's going to be okay, I promise” he whispered reassuringly. I smiled gratefully as my hand came up to my own cheek to rest upon his and interlock our fingers.
“Oh and please, if you have to pee, make sure you are completely awake before doing so” He smiled jokingly as his head dug deeper into the pillow, begging for rest. I stared at his pale face, his eyes now completely closed and his lips were partly open making him breath somewhat heavily through them. I watched as his body rose and fell in time with his breathing and thought about how much of a great brother he was to me.

“Goodnight, Gerard” I whispered thinking he was unable to hear me.
“Goodnight....Mikey” he whispered back from out of his own personal dreamworld. I smiled as an overwhelming sensation of fatigue crawled on top of my own body, and I resigned myself to sleep's waiting arms.

Bob's Point Of View

“Damn this couch is lumpy” I say aloud to myself as I sit up straight on the couch scratching my bearded cheek and yawning the whole while.
“I'll never understand why women like men with beards so much. I'd hate to have to kiss a guy who had a beard as itchy as mine” I thought out loud as I stood up and stretched. I blinked a few times then looked around the bright and bare room. In my sleepiness I had forgotten, or was too lazy, to turn off the lights before laying down.
I point my right arm straight up towards the ceiling and place my left arm behind my head wrapping its hand around my right elbow as I stretch, trying to crack my back, but while doing so, I notice the blinking red light on the camera which I remember seeing just before I fell asleep. I rip the camera from off its place on the table and flip it so that I can look at the LSD screen, only to find my breath catching still in my lungs at the sight. Three red letters made my nightmares a reality and it took everything in me not to break the damn thing in half or throw it at the wall or stomp it into a million and one pieces. Instead, I threw it onto the couch and stormed out of the room.
I marched up the steps and burst into Frank's room with such ferocity the door that I threw open, quickly swung back and hit me in the face.

That, is the last damn straw.

“Dammit FRANK!!” I screamed as I charged at his bed. Frank rolled from off his side onto his back, awakened by my disturbance. He looked at me with groggy eyes that widened with both fear and surprise at the seething bull that was charging towards him.

“Bob! Wait-” But that was all he was able to say as I tackled him off of the bed and we landed with a heavy thud onto the hardwood floor, with me on top of him, and him face down on the ground.
“Ow! Bob! Bob, you're on my head! What're you doing?! Get off!” He cried as he struggled and squirmed beneath me.
“I've had enough of your damn tricks Frank!” I yelled as I picked him up by his shirt and threw him onto the bed so that he laid on his tummy, then I straddled his waist from behind as I pulled his right arm behind his back.

“Ow Bob! What the hell?! You're hurting me dammit!!” He cried. I might be adding too much pressure, I keep forgetting how tiny he actually is because he's such a big pain in the ass. I release his arm but stay put on top of him.

“Why'd you have that damn camera recording me, Frank?” I questioned with anger booming from my voice. Frank turned his face to the right so that his cheek was on the bed and he could look at me from the corner of his eye.

“What're you talking about?” he yelled breathlessly, face burning red from his straining beneath me.

“You know what I'm talking about so don't play dumb. The camera! Its been recording me all night long” I stated as I grabbed his arm and pulled it behind his back again because he was lying to me.

“Owww! Bob! I wasn't even the last one to touch that shit!” he yelled.

“Um, am I interrupting?” Frank and I both look straight ahead of us to see Ray standing inside of the room, staring at us with a slight smirk on his face. I began to wonder just how long he had been standing there and what he must be thinking seeing me on top of Frank like this, but Frank's trying to wiggle out from underneath me caught my attention, so I pulled his arm even tighter.

“Ow! Dammit Ray! Tell this damn, big oaf that you were the last one to touch Mikey's stupid camera!” he howled. I looked up at Ray who blinked twice with wide, confused eyes. He took his right hand and began to scratch his fro, and I watched as his fingers disappeared in the puffy mess, and his hair wobbled like gelatin with their movement.

“Well, yeah. When Frank couldn't get it all plugged up, I took it from him and fixed it myself. Why? What's the problem?”

“See! Now get the hell off me!” Frank screamed angrily as he yanked his arm out of my grasp. Of course the one time that I jump to conclusions is when Frank is actually innocent. I sighed at my mistake and shove Frank's head face first into the bed as I rolled off of him.

“What the fuck did you do that for! He just told you that I'm innocent!” he cried out in his anger as I stood walking toward Ray.

“Whatever. You'll just end up doing something stupid and deserve it later on in the day,” I called over my shoulder as I stopped in front of Ray. “You left the camera on record. It recorded me sleeping all through the night” I stated while releasing my anger. If Ray did it, I could assume it was accidental
Ray's face puckered up in disapproval at my accusation.

“Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I turned it off”
“Yeah. I remember seeing it blinking last night before I fell asleep, and when I woke this morning it was still blinking and it said it was recording” I said with a small amount of bitterness in my voice.
With my back turned to Frank, I couldn't see what he was doing but I heard the bed moaning beneath him as he rolled off of it and then the padding of his bare feet slapping upon the wooden floor as he approached us. Eventually, I turned to see him standing there, clothes slightly askew from our previous battle, and a mischievous grin plastered to his face.

“What're you grinning about?” I asked, still slightly irritated with him. His grin grew into a devilish smile.
“Let's go see what we caught, shall we?!” He said while pushing past Ray and I and running into the hall, nearly slipping in his excitement. I shook my head silently and brought my hand to my neck to rub away the stress but instead rubbed at my scratchy beard.

“I hate this damn thing, even if it does make me look cool” I sighed.

“What?” Ray asked in confusion. He seems to be doing that a lot lately.
“Nothing, let's just go find out what stupid plan he has up his stupid tattooed sleeve” I said as he and I slowly followed after the weird kid, wondering what in the world he could be scheming.
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