Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This world is after me, after you

treasure trail

by DangerDays_ 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-05 - Updated: 2011-01-05 - 339 words - Complete

One morning about a month after Hayley was born, I woke up and found that in Franks place was a note.

*You remember the tree we used to sit under in the park? well there's a surprise there for you. 
I love you
Frankie xxx*

I was puzzled, but decided to go and see what this 'surprise' was. I knew the tree he was talking about, we'd spent many summer days tucked under there just talking. I quickly got changed and hopped in my car. I arrived at th park and walked to the tree and expected to find Frankie there, but there was a piece of paper pinned to the tree.

*thought you'd find me here didn't you? Haha, I'm not making this that easy beautiful. You know the resteraunt that we ate at the time the waiter gave you his number? Well there's a surprise there to
I love you

His trail led me all around town, picking up note after note, taking me back through all of our memories, even the wall outside me house where Frank spent 'many mornings waiting for me to hurry up and get my beautiful arse out the door so he could kiss me' 

It was starting to get dark as I picked up a note from outside the hall where we went to our first gig together. 

*you remember the hill we spent all day taking photo's on in the summer? you guessed, another surprise there!
I really do love you

I smiled remembering the day we spent in eachothers company there. I drove until I reached the footpath that led up the hill. I got out of my car, and saw that there were candles by the side of the path, glowing in the dark. I followed them up the winding path, gradually getting higher and higher until I reached the top of the hill. 

Ontop of the hill, there was another note. I picked it up and read the two simple words

turn around
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