Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

No Boys Allowed

by Anthrax_Angel 0 reviews

Jenny faces her feelings about Mikey

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-01-06 - Updated: 2011-01-06 - 804 words

Jenny’s POV

I ran straight up to my room I don’t think Janet even heard me, it took all my restrain not to slam my door, when it was closed I leaned against it sliding down onto the floor. My mind was spinning in a hundred different directions I took a few calming breaths and tried to make sense of what I was feeling. I thought back to the fight I had been so upset and scared but that could have just been because Mikey wasn’t fighting back I rationalized, but then what about after. I focused on what it had felt like, me and Mikey had hugged before but this was different, well for me, I felt safe like her would protect me from everything or at least try. I smiled but it quickly faded, how could I have let this happen I wasn’t allowed to date, period, so what was I supposed to do, then the whole Frank will hate us both part. My mind then started speeding through all the negative scenarios possible then came to a screeching halt, what if I was pregnant, once I thought it, it just sat there in my skull “what then hell am I going to do” I whispered to myself.

I sat on the floor silenced by the revelation that I was royally screwed, after a few minutes the silence started eating at me and I got up and turned on the stereo. I did really listen it was more of just a hum in the background, I went to my backpack and pulled out one of the pregnancy test. I went into the bathroom and stared at the box unable to open it, what would I do if it was positive before I could make a better plan I heard my dad enter the house and quickly hid the test back in my bag. I hear him call my name and I check my face quickly in the mirror to make sure it doesn’t look like I’ve been crying before I head down stairs.
When I hit the bottom step I nearly fell over Frank was standing next to my dad my mind started throwing every bad word at Frank cursing him to the seventh circle of hell. “Does this belong to you” my dad says raising his eyebrows at me “that’s Frank his just a friend” I say my voice coming out small and weak. “I think you should go son” my dad says motioning to the door I flash Frank a smile and pray he’ll just leave, he nods and then heads out the door I practically sigh in relief. “Are you seeing that boy” my dad says tossing me against the wall holding onto my upper arms way too tight “no he’s just a friend daddy I swear” I say I was terrified if my dad didn’t believe me I didn’t know what he would do “why was he here” he asks squeezing my arms tighter “we got in a fight and I left angry he probably wanted to apologize” I say the pain in my arms increasing. He looks me in the eyes for a full minute before he lets go “you know the rules no dating period” he says heading into the kitchen. I don’t follow him instead I head back to my room and blast Smashing Pumpkins losing my self in the music and thinking back to the show I spent with Mikey.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I was hit by a truck my dad decided I needed a warning about how seriously he took his whole no boys policy. Somehow I had managed to shield my stomach without his realizing just in case there was a baby in there. I dressed as quickly as I could which meant by the time I got outside the guys should have been there but they weren’t, I checked the time and they should have been there. I stood around for a few minutes then decide to head to their house, no way they would leave me behind so something must have happened. I walk quickly down the street and see the van still parked in their drive way but their mom’s car was gone I practically ran to the door franticly knocking. Gerard answers looking like hell “what’s wrong” I ask my chest tightening “you should go” he says no emotion in his voice “no tell me what’s happening” I say placing my hands on my hips. Gerard doesn’t answer right away “I don’t know how to save him” he mutters looking down “from what” I say stepping forward and seeing the tears in his eyes “himself.”
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