Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

The Truth and the Lies

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Mikey tells Jen the truth.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-01-18 - Updated: 2011-01-19 - 946 words

Jen’s POV

My brain processed his meaning but I couldn’t accept it, I do the only thing I can think of I step in and throw my arms around him, he starts to sob and I fight not to join him. After a few minutes he’s in control, “sorry” he says wiping his eyes on his shirt, I resist the urge to smack him “don’t be stupid” I say dropping my bag at the door. “I’m about to ask you to do something your really not gonna want to do” I say as I close the door “what” he asks suspiciously. “I need you to go to school and tell Frank I’m here” I say calmly “why” he asks kind of angry “long story short he came to my house and saw the bad side of my dad I just want him to know I’m okay, I swear I won’t let anything happen to Mikey while your gone. I know the last thing you want to do is talk to Frank but I need him to now I’m not like tied up in the basement or something and if he comes back to my house when I don’t show up to school I’ll just be in more trouble.” “You want me to go talk to the punk that caused this, the little twerp that did this to my brother.”

“you don’t know if the shit with Frank is what caused this, plus I’m begging here please cause either you go and tell him and come back or I go to school and don’t come back till tonight” I say hoping it was a threat. I see the gears turning in his brain “Okay I’ll be back in like ten minutes” he says heading out I nod and head upstairs, hoping I could find Mikey’s room. I found it pretty easily given it wasn’t the bathroom and the door was open, he was laying asleep on the bed his glasses askew his hair a total disaster it was adorable. I just stood there at the door till Gerard got back waiting for the words I could tell him to make this better.

Mikey’s POV

I’ll never forget the look on Gee’s face, ever, it was the most painful thing I’ve ever witnessed, it was a mix between rage, fear, and pain. I didn’t have anything to say I knew I could justify what I was doing not to him not to anyone, he shut the door then blows a gasket. “What the fucking shit Mikey, what are you thinking, what’s going on” he stares at me waiting for me to tell him who he needs to beat up to make this better. I wish I can tell him what he wants to hear, tell him that what’s his names being a dick to me, but I can’t bring myself to lie to him not now that he knows the truth. “It makes me feel better, it lets me feel” I whisper, he collapses beside me “it’s the whole Jen thing isn’t it” he asks and I nod.

Its not a complete lie but I couldn’t tell him the truth, if it killed me I was taking it to the grave, “I just …” I can’t finish the sentence because nothing I say will change what he saw “no more” he says looking me dead in the face “no more” I mummer leaning into him he pulls me into a hug and was stay like that for a long time. By the time I turn in I’m sure of two things Gee wouldn’t sleep at all he would just watch me, and no way I was going to school tomorrow given the fact it was like 4 in the morning. I couldn’t sleep for the longest time, every time I closed my eyes I saw Gee’s face totally crushed, then I thought about Jen, maybe if I told her my secret she’d tell me hers.

When I woke up I saw two figures standing in my door way I was super confused till one of them came over and smack me straight in the back of the head then collapsed on top of me. “I hate you” she whispers my arms wrapping around her “yeah so do I” she looks at me the tears breaking through “not funny” she says reburying her face in my neck “I know.” She starts to sob and I sit up pulling her into my lap, I signal Gee to get lost and he does shutting the door as he leaves. I hold her rubbing her back and telling her everything would be okay just to fill the silence, “nothings okay” she whispers I hold her tighter as she breaks into another wave of sobs. I’d never seen her lose it like this I had no idea what to do, I felt so responsible, all I wanted to do was take her pain away, “I started like a year ago I don’t know what started it but I did it once then it just become my go to” I tell her. “I’m going to tell you the real reason I started but you can’t tell anyone” I say put my lips to her ear. “I feel like I come second to Gee, like people only hang with me because of him” it’s a relief to tell someone, I wait in painful silence for her to answer.
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