Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life's a Bitch....So Are You

If I'm A Dog Then You're A Bitch

by mandy9207 3 reviews

Patrick's a capella videos drove yo gurl insane in the brain

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-26 - Updated: 2011-01-26 - 1018 words

She ran out and shut the door in his face and ran. She had no idea where to go she just had to get out of Chicago. He sat there as tears filled his eyes. Out of all the things that have happened between them this was the worst.

“Go after her!” Joe yelled

Patrick shook his head and held back tears.

“Patrick go! You’re gonna miss her!” Joe yelled louder.

“She’s not gonna take me back. I fucked up.” He said as he took off his glasses.

“Yeah you did.” Sarah said with her arms crossed. “She was right.”

“Excuse me?” Patrick said as he turned around facing everyone.

“She does everything for you and then you go and do something like this.” She said as she shook her head.

“Sarah why don’t you believe me?! I am not cheating on her!!” Patrick screamed.

“Dude calm down I believe you.” Pete said as he put his hand on Patrick’s shoulder.

“What do I do??” He said as he took off his hat and pulled at his hair.

“Give her a day and then go after her. I’ll have Sarah call her and we’ll find out where she went.”

“What if she doesn’t come back?”

“She’ll come back. Trust me.” Joe said.

Mandy went through all the lines in the airport and waited to board her flight to New York. It was the first place that popped up in her head. She was going to stay with her brother and just think. She didn’t want to be bothered by anyone. She turned off her phone and ignored the world trying not to cry in the middle of an airport. She didn’t know which emotion was taking over more, anger or sadness. As she contemplated over which her stomach turned into knots and she dashed straight to the restroom to throw up whatever was in her system.

Patrick wanted to go back to his house but if he did he’d probably break down. Going back there. Seeing all of her things. Her favorite spot to sit on in the living room. Their bed. Just thinking of it hurt. So instead he stood with Pete and everyone else.

Getting on that plane made Mandy feel even sicker. She wasn’t on planning on leaving Chicago. She planned to go to college there and live there…with Patrick.

She finally landed and had her brother pick her up at the airport. The car ride back to his apartment was silent.

“Please talk.” Her brother said as they sat in traffic.

“I don’t know what the fuck to tell you Nick.”

“You can tell me what happened so I can kick this guy’s ass.”

“I caught him with his ex. I don’t know if I’m making more of it or what I just know I found them on our…his couch.”

“Did he give you an explanation?”

“Yes but he could be lying.”

“Or he could be telling the truth?”

This was why Nicholas was her favorite brother. No bull shit. He just acted like a brother should like a family member should. He was supportive on anything she did.

“Nick do me a favor.” She said as she sighed.


“Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want mom and dad to tell me I told you so. I’m not in the mood.”

“I can do that.”

That day went by slowly. Instead of moping around her brother’s apartment she called Victoria and told her she was in town. Victoria met her at a diner not too far from her brother’s apartment.

“If I tell you why I’m here please don’t tell anyone.” Mandy said with her eyes closed.

“I promise.” Victoria said eagerly waiting to hear what happened.

“I caught him with Amber.” She whispered.

“That fucking no good bastard! Oh my god! Come on!” Victoria shouted as she shot up from the booth.


“I’m taking you to Gabe’s and you’re getting back at him!!”

“Victoria no! Sit back down.” Mandy hissed as she rubbed her stomach.

“Why do you keep doing that?”

“Doing what?” She said as she yawned.

“Tummy ache?”

Mandy nodded.

“That time of the month?”

“I’m pretty sure.” She said as she rubbed her forehead.

“I have Midol.”

“I’m good for now. I threw up 500 fucking times today.”

“You throw up when you get your period?” Victoria said confusedly.

“Not usually. It’s probably ‘cause my boyfriend is a prick.” ‘But he’s my prick.’ She thought.

Victoria sat across from Mandy giving her a worried look chewing on her lip.

“Stop that.” Mandy said as she swatted her arm.

“Mandy…are you on birth control?”

Mandy paused for a second. “Of course…I have to be. Yes! Yes I am!” She said as her heart raced and she began to become nervous.

“Calm down! When was your last period?”

“Last month!”

“Early last month middle end?”

“Middle! It’s always in the middle for me!”

“…I think you might b-“

“No I’m not!” Mandy shouted as her eyes got watery.

“Calm down let’s go to the drugstore we’ll get you a test.” Victoria said with a comforting tone.

“No I don’t need one. I’m not pregnant.” Mandy said as she shook her head.

“Mandy you-“

“I gotta go.” Mandy said as she threw money on the table for the coffee she ordered and left.

She cried herself to sleep that night. She never got a test. She just cried for hours and hours.
Patrick packed a bag and booked a flight to New York. Pete said wait a day and he did. Sarah called Mandy but she only talked for a minute that’s how he found out she’s in New York. Now he has to go after Mandy. He didn’t care if he had to drag her back with him she’s going home.

*Sorry this was short love you guys
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