Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything


by Anthrax_Angel 0 reviews

The results are in.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-01-31 - Updated: 2011-02-01 - 677 words

Jen’s POV

I get off of Mikey, even though I would rather just sit in his arm and let him hold me forever. I walk to the bathroom in silence and for once it doesn’t bother me, look in the mirror the girl that looks back at me looks different then she did this morning. All the make-up I had on is long gone and the bruise on my face looks like I lost a fight with Mike Tyson. I breathe deeply and pick up the offensive like stick, I had read the instructions and knew that the little fucking pink plus sign meant I was prego. I gripped the counter and my breath started coming fast “shit, shit, shit, mother f-ing shit” I whisper I feel Mikey pull me into his chest. “We’re going to figure this out, everything is going to be okay” he says I hear confirmation from the guys I nod and follow him back into the living room.

“What are we going to do?” Gerard asks, I shrug I have no idea, it was one thing to think I was pregnant and another thing to know. I look down at my stomach placing my hand on top “I don’t know” I say not looking up. Mikey’s hand finds mine and he twists his fingers between mine “first we’ll need to get you a doctor’s appointment” Ray says I nod “we’ll have to lie” I say turning to Mikey he nods. “Why” Frank ask outraged “because a pregnant teen coming in with a teenage guy, they’re more likely to believe one of us knocked her up” Mikey says I nod relieved he understands. “Even if I go alone the best they can do is a paternity test and in order to get the DNA they’d need consent from my dad” I sigh.

They all look defeated and I can’t blame them it had been like this for me since I was 13 I had run through all the options and none of them had worked out because what adults said is given more credit. I wished I could say something to make them feel better, to give them hope even if it’s false but before I can think of anything to say my phone rings. They all look at me as I answer “you better get home now” Janet say simply “okay” I answer hanging up. I hesitate before climbing off Mikey not wanting to leave his embrace, he stands with me following me to the door, “I’ll see you tomorrow” I say. He leans down and presses his lips to mine there’s an urgency in his kiss and I know he’s worried for me I kiss back then I pull away. “Tomorrow” I say stepping away “tomorrow” he whispers back I wish I could stay with him and not cause him this pain but I know I have to go.

I walk quickly down the street hoping my father isn’t home yet so I would have more time to mentally prepare myself. I know Janet knows I skipped today and if I’m lucky maybe I can convince her not to tell my father, but then luck hasn’t been on my side lately. I see my house and notice my dad isn’t there, I let out a small sigh of relief glad for the small victory, “Janet I’m home” I call as I enter the house. “The school called you didn’t go today” she states from the living room “I hung out with the Way brothers Mikey wasn’t feeling well” I say entering and sitting on the chair opposite her. “Your father won’t be pleased” she says “I know” I reply looking at my feet. “Your grounded for two weeks we don’t have to tell him” she says simply turning on the TV “okay” I say practically falling over, maybe Janet wasn’t as evil as I thought she was.
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