Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How Wrong We Were to Think We Knew Anything

Coming Clean

by Anthrax_Angel 1 review

Mikey tells the guys what's up

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-02 - Updated: 2011-02-02 - 824 words

Mikey’s POV

I watched her walk away and wondered what condition she would be in when I got her back “she’s tough as nails she’ll be fine” Gee says putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod following him into the living room and collapsing on the couch trying to think about anything but Jen. “So why weren’t you two at school today” Bob asks as Ray flips on the TV, “didn’t Jen tell you” Gee asks throwing my legs off the couch and sitting beside me. “She tried but Frankie jumped down her throat” Ray says “I’m sorry, I thought…” Frankie starts “you thought we were banging behind you back” I say simply. He looks intently at the floor but nods “I wouldn’t do that to you Frankie” I say he looks at me and I smile. “I’m so sorry Mikey for everything, for hurting her for hurting you” he says “no worries” I say looking away, how was I suppose to tell them about my problem now, it already seemed stupid in comparison with Jen’s.

Ray brings the conversation back around to the elephant in the room “so you guys weren’t in school today because.” Gee doesn’t say anything waiting for me to take the lead, to be honest I had no idea what to say or where to begin. “I wish Jen was here” I thought to myself I felt stronger with her near like I could be anything cause I would be anything for her. My whole cutting thing just seemed so stupid now even to me, I mean Jen got beat every fucking day and I’m the pussy who cuts cause he doesn’t fit in. I sigh knowing I have to tell the guys the truth “I cut” I say simply turning to the TV, “wait what” they answer almost in unison. “I cut” I repeat with no more emotion then the first time “like your wrists” Bob says, I nod to ashamed to answer “what the fuck man” Frankie says I know he’s pissed. I don’t know what to say like most times in conversation I find myself lost “I just didn’t know what else to do” I say quietly.

They’re silent for awhile “you have everything” Frankie says he’s more angry then I thought “shut up Frank” Ray says. “No this is bullshit he has everything and he just pisses it away cutting his wrist” he say leaning forward “so what tell Jen you cut bet that got you a lot of sympathy.” Before I can stop him Gee decks him square in the jaw “Gee” I saw jumping up and pulling him off Frankie “you’re a dick, man” Gee says storming out into the back yard. “That was out of line Frank what the shit, one of your best friends says hey I cut my wrists and you’re pissed cause you think it helped him get the girl” Ray says I only half listen as he and Bob lay into Frankie. I hadn’t thought about it like that if it was just sympathy that had caused everything “I need you” Jen’s voice rings through my skull and I know Frankie’s wrong.

“Enough guys it’s cool I’m fine” I say re-entering reality Bob and Ray look at me like I’ve grown a second head. “he’s not that far off, he’s not right, but he’s got a point it was stupid and lucky for all of us I get that now” I say Ray collapse on the couch next to Bob. “When did you get so mature” Bob asks, I shrug and stand “I’m going to go check on Gee, I think it would be best for your face if you weren’t here when he came in” Frank nods and heads for the door. “Little leprechaun, gonna kick his ass so hard” Gee mumbles pacing the back porch “leprechaun that’s a new one” I snort. He turns to me and I see he’s barely holding it together “Gee I’m fine really I’m good Frankie can suck it he’s just pissy, really I’m awesome.” He sits on the step I sit beside him “what the fuck would I do without you Mikes” he asks taking a drag I look out at the fence unsure what the right thing to say is. “Well I guess it’s a good thing we don’t have to find out” I say turning to him smiling he glances up and punches me in the arm. “Stop smiling I’m trying to be mad” he says smiling back I shove him getting up “sorry bro but I’m in a good mood you’re just going to have to deal with it” I smile and head inside.
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