Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Look Alive, Sunshine.

Chapter 7

by Vampirechick1159 0 reviews

Blaze has a plan.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-01 - Updated: 2011-02-02 - 358 words

The next day I was left alone. No torture or anything. I took note of every time, every shift in the guards’ movements, every procedure. At eight-thirty, noon, and six o’clock sharp, I was given a meal of bread and water. They changed the guards at midnight, when I was supposed to be sleeping.
Good to know, because since my plan was a simple one, it could, possibly work, at least long enough to figure out what BLI was playing at by capturing me. Because they had to be up to something. They wouldn’t have captured me otherwise. They’d have killed me.

Fallon laid her head on the back of the seat, breathing deeply through her nose. She told herself it was okay. Blaze wouldn’t break under pressure. She was tough. But that meant they’d torture her more painfully. Possibly even kill her. No. Fun Ghoul had assured her they wouldn’t kill her. They were trying to pull the Killjoys into the heart of BLI. But if their plan worked, BLI wouldn’t know what hit them.
Party Poison stared out at the desert around them. Fallon couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but whatever it was, it didn’t seem too pleasant. In fact, he looked almost…pained? She shook her head and turned back to her window.
They’d decided BLI took Blaze to the main headquarters. Which was in Battery City.
It would take a lot of work to blend in, but they could do it. And they’d get Blaze. Or die trying.

Hey, readers, just as a side note, I wanted to say thanks. This story was just something I came up with out of my intense and nearly ridiculous love for MCR. The fact that people are reading it and writing such awesome reviews on it kept me going. Without those, this story would probably become another one of those projects I began and gave up on around the fifth chapter. So thanks for reading! And sorry this chapter is short and uneventful. But big things are brewing--and the end is nearing. Look alive, Killjoys.
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