Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Look Alive, Sunshine.

Chapter 8

by Vampirechick1159 0 reviews

And the infiltration begins...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-04 - 589 words

The next morning I woke up to feel my heart pounding. My hands shook as I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of the thick, glazed feeling over my eyes. My whole body ached, and I wondered what could possibly be wrong with me. I watched my fingers twitch unnaturally as a guard in a Draculoid mask brought me breakfast. I glanced up at him, as if he knew why I felt this way. “Look alive,” he muttered too low for the others to hear.
My heart skipped a beat. Party Poison. That was him! In my cell! I dropped my gaze to my breakfast so as not to give him away. I suddenly felt like crying with relief. I don’t know why. I rarely cried, and I didn’t get why my eyes were getting wet now.
Then I remembered how they’d given me that stupid miracle drug yesterday. Of course. It was leaving my system, and they’d given me so much I was going through with-drawl symptoms. I stared at the food for about an hour, messaging my temples, till a different Drac came forward to take my food. An alarm blared, Party Poison ripped off the mask to reveal his trademark colorful one and bright red hair, and the Drac holding my food tray dropped dead. He took out the guards lining the walls, then turning to me, helped me up so I could hug him with weak arms.
“Are you okay? You’re shaking like a leaf,” he said, holding me at arm’s length.
“They injected me with their shit. I’m having trouble with with-drawls, I guess.”
“Can you walk?”
“I dunno. Just go. I’ll follow.”
“Do you have a weapon of some kind?”
“Yeah, ‘cause they just left me with my gun!” I snapped sarcastically. “Do you have any spares?”
He let go of me to search the pockets of his jacket, probably trying to find one, and my knees wobbled uncontrollably. But I was able to stay standing. I followed him out of the room as he handed me my gun. The building around us was lit with red emergency lights, Dracs streaming seemingly endlessly from some unknown source. We kept running, ducking, narrowly avoiding bright rays of light as they threatened to pierce our skin. I was barely hanging on when Party Poison grabbed my hand and, whipping me around in front of him faster than any shot fired by the Draculoids, threw me into a small room lined with TVs. I shot the guy sitting behind the controls and the two guards at the other door.
“Stay here until I come back for you,” he said.
“Please, Blaze, I have to keep you out of danger. Just for a few minutes.”
“Don’t call me Blaze,” I frowned.
He laughed softly. “See what you can find out in here,” he said, shutting the door, leaving me alone with three dead bodies.
I grabbed the guy by his hazmat suit and dragged him out of the chair to sit behind the controls. I hit a few buttons. Different screens flashed to different locations. I noticed one in the upper corner showed a girl standing in front of a mirror, her eyes red and puffy from sleep deprivation, tears running down her face as she clutched the sides of the counter with shaking hands.
I was watching a girl who clearly hadn’t taken her BLI wonder drug last night through a government-issued fly.
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