Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Driving hím banana's

Charpter Three : Who's That Fag?

by LieschLightning 5 reviews

Gerard goes to school in the new outfit!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-02-06 - Updated: 2011-02-17 - 1300 words

NOTE: Hey Guys, thanks for all the really sweet reviews! Without you i wouldn't continue!
Lots of love xoxox Liesch :End Note

Next day, Frank walks in to the school, by Grace's side. His eyes were searching, for gerard but he didn't find him.

Nex day, Gerard walks into the school, by Mikey's side. His eyes were searching, for Frank and he found him. Gerard was wearing the clothes he prepaired yesterday.

He felt a lil' weird, but it was nice. Nicer than those douchbag-clothes he used to wear. He had put on his sunglasses and his leather jacket, to make it all complete.

He loved his jacket. "Bye Mikes." he said, smiling, he hadn't smiled for real in a long, long time.

"Please don't tell Frank about our 'talk', last night?" Gerard's eyes were beautiful, surounded by eyeliner.

Mikey nodded, he was happy too. His brother was himself again, he missed him.
Gerard walked up to his Friends.

Ray smiled from ear to ear, seeing gerard again, he hugged him. "you're back bro!" he allmost screamed, Gerard had a fit of giggles.

"Yeah, i am, i am."

"Who's that fag?!" Patricia giggled along with her friends.

"It's you're ex-boyfriend, cunt!" gerard yelled at her, she turned around to look at him.

"Gerard?" she said, "I'm happy, i broke up with you." and she waggles on.

Gerard didn't care about her anymore.
"Are you still doing the challenge?" Ray asked. Gerard signed him, he should sit down, so they did.

"Ray, i... i think i'm... in love." he said stuttering his way true the short sentence.

"You've never been in love, how do you know then?" Ray asked, he was interested in Gerard.

The way he looked, it was awesome.
He even painted his fingernails black again(!), for the love of god.
He's back, he really is back!

"I can't stop thinking of... this person. And i doodled hearts while thinking of hi- .. this person." Gerard stutterd again, why can't he stop stuttering.

"Well, who's the lucky girl?" Ray asked, happy.

Gerard glanced over to Frank, he was sitting on a bench, next to Mikey. He laughed at what Mikey was saying, then pointed at Gerard. "I'm in love with... Frank."

"Who's that, Mikey?"

Mikey turned his head, and smiled from ear to ear. "Watch closely, you know him."

Frank stared at him, started to open all the little corners in his brain, who would that be?
"It's.. It's Gerard." he shoaked on the words.
"Why is he dressed like that? fucking lozer."

"He's not a lozer! He's my brother and for the record, this is the way he really is. He was just hiding the real him." Mikey smiled again, he was ever so happy, 'cause he had his brother back.

He asked Gerard to come and sit by them.
Gerard shoock his head, he had to talk to frank, alone. Now wasn't the time.

"I don't believe you, mikey. I bet that are you're clothes. they're not even his." Frank said, his voice was softer, secretly he loved the way Gerard looked in those clothes, with the nailpolish and everything.

He looked legit!

Lunch, it was crappy like always, Ryan and Alex come and sit with us after a while.

"Gerard, you're taking this one to far." Ryan giggled.

"I'm not taking it to far. I'm just being myself." Gerard smiled wide and ate his spagettie, though it wasn't like his mother made it, it was fine.

"He's not lying!" He heard Ray shout, but he didn't care at the moment, he felt like an in love teenage girl, looking him up and down.

He didn't care, didn't even notice.
His boxers had a pink border, he could see that 'cause of his shirt being a little to short when he was drinking water from the fountain.

His hips were beautiful. Wait, what? stop right there, gerard way!

He knew he was in love with hím, but this is going a bit to far. He's not thát hot.

He couldn't stop glancing over to Gerard's table, what's wrong with him?

He's not handsome, not even with eyeliner.
He could use some plastic surgery, then, maybe he would be hot?

Damn, who was he kidding? He's even hotter then before. "Grace!" i yelled.
She rushed to me, i was at the waterfountain. "I.. i might have a problem." i said, i had to tell her.

She wouldn't like it.

"I know, he's stalking you!" she shouted, grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to our table.

I kept looking at Gerard, She wouldn't even notice, i can't talk to her about this.

I'll just háve to hate him.

Gerard skipped over to our table, what - the fuck-'s he doing?

"Hey, mikes! Could I borrow your friend, please?" he said, putting on his 'cute eyes' and, offcours, Mikey gave in. "Okay, Frank, go with him."

"What are you gonna do? Crush my back into a wall and leave you're filthy taste on my lips again?" Frank said angry, once they entered the empty hallways.

"I just wanted to talk, to you." Gerard said, "you know, i have a bet, with my guys."

He mumbled, while looking at his shoes. "A bet, you have to like... flirt me?" Frank asked, interrested.

"Well, yeah. But i don't care about that bet anymore." Gerard felt his cheeks flush with red, so he turned his head away from Frank.

"How do you mean? "You don't care anymore"? You always care!" He was confused, very confused. Maybe even angry.

Gerard stepped out of the box, where he belongs.
"I.. I don't know how to say this. I don't wanna say it." Now, a tear apeared.

It was dretfull, standing here. Right in front of him, and he wanted something from Gerard.

He wanted an explanation, one Gerard couldn't give.
Why did he want to talk to him again?

They were close to a wall, so Gerard could do ít again, but should he do it? would it feel diffrent?

He hesitated, but put his hand on Frank's cheeck. "P-please don't ask about it, it's difficult." Gerard said, as calm as possible, while Frank's face heated up underneath his hand.

"Y-you're crying." Frank stated, he wiped away the tears and smiled, he was actually smiling at Gerard.

"You look like a pandabear." He stated again, he is calling Gerard one of the cutest animals on the earth? What's happening? He liked this. He really liked this.

"Oh, thanks." Gerard said, looking away and wiping away his eyeliner.

"stop doing that, you're making it worse!" i giggled, searched true my bag and found a napkin.

"Take this." i said as i handed him it, he wiped away his eyeliner, even without he was hot.

Frankie couldn't deny it anymore, since he was right in front of him, Gerard's hand was still on his cheeck.

Gerard took a step towards him, what's he doing? "I'm sorry." He said before turning Frank round, so his back was now against the wall, not Frank's. "I don't wanna crush you again." He smirked, he's playing again.

"Thanks" is all Frank could say.

Grace stormed into the hallway, pushed me of him. "What's you're problem!" she shouted at Gerard, knocking a fist in his face.

"Stop that!" Frank cried, He didn't know why, but started crying.
Tears were shattering around him on the floor, 'cause he fel to his knees.

While Gerard didn't even looked hurt. He just kept taking the punches.

He pushed Grace against the lockers. "I wasn't even doing anything, bitch." He said, normaly he would fight back, but that's just not the real him, in real live he would shuf himself into a locker before a jock gets the chance to do that.
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