Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Driving hím banana's

Charpter Four : The world is ugly

by LieschLightning 3 reviews

Frank's Concert

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-06 - Updated: 2011-02-17 - 1561 words

Gerard ran up to Frankie. "Are you okay?" He asked, while picking him up from the floor. "Omg, gerard. You scared the living shit out of me!" He yelled and punshed Gerard's shoulder. "I knew I am scary, but not that scary." he giggled, jolly.
"Scary... You're not scary, you're just u-ugly." he said, not as rude as he used to be, but it still hurt. Grace laughed loud from the other side of the hallway. "Come Frankie, and you, Gerard, leave him alone."
Grace isn't Frank's best friend, Mikey was. Grace was just another bully, at this moment.
Frankie forced himself to laugh at Gerard sight, Gerard looked thorn and broken. Not that beautiful anymore. Frank just wanted to go too him and hug him, but he couldn't.
'I Love You...' His lips said, without sound. Gerard looked at him true his hair, he probably didn't even see it.
Once Frank and Grace had dissapeared, Ray walked in. Gerard grinned like a fool. "He loves me." He said, foolish. He dropped his back to the cold stone floors, but it felt like little clouds. "That's good, but he also called you ugly. Get up and out of that dream world." Ray was just being the realist, He was probably right. "I don't want to." Gerard mutterd childish. "Stand up! We have to go to our next class!" A second after ray yelled that at me, the bell rang and students were getting into the hallways.
Gerard picked himself up fast and took his bag from Ray. "What class do we have now?"
Science, Frank wasn’t in this class and yesterday he would’ve loved this subject, but now he disgusted it. The teacher was ugly, while yesterday, she had some style. You don’t change over night, is what everyone says, well, maybe you do. It looks like you do. Gerard does.
“I hate science.” I mutterd underneath my heavy breathing. “You crush so hard, so fast.” Ray said, but he laughed a little. He loved how gerard was now. Gerard was back to the old him, but the old him would’ve never crushed so badly, let alone, for a guy. So he wasn’t the old him ? He definatly changed. “It’s not because of Frank, or wathever. I just don’t like this class.” Gerard muttered, again and started stairing through the window, this might be a long, long day. Next period, they had English.
He started drawing the whole way through. It was a superhero, with crosses for eyes and loads of tattoo’s. He was kind of beautiful, but he didn’t have ‘the right hair’, but then again, no one is perfect. He plugged my MP3 In and started listening some Iron Maiden, trying not to disturb the student next to me, Ray. But infact, he loved the music and pulled one of the ear-speakers out of my ear. “That’s mine.” He stated and put it in his ear after wiping it off, like I have dirty ears. “Hunny, I’m no filth.” Gerard said, but then he remember: he was. Frank said he was, so he probably is.

"SCHOOL'S OUT!" some girls yelled happy, cheerleaders.
"Omg, who's that guy, he's kind off hot, right?" one giggled.
"Gerard Way, don't you see?" another, with fake blond hair and blue eyeshadow that didn't match the only beautiful part about her, those green eyes, replied.
Gerard didn't care about them girls, they were ugly as fuck.
"Hey mikey!" Gerard yelled happy, as they past the place frank stood, when he 'play backed' the words 'I love you', the place where the hard white stone's had turned into beautiful pink cloudes.
"Frank told me about, your talk." Mikey grinned. Mikey was fabulous, he had perfect and beautiful brown hair, black glasses and the most penetrating look in his eyes. Gerard smiled at his little brother, he was more like a big brother some times, he always knew what to do.
"Dude, he did? what did he say?!" Before Mikey could answer Ray popped his head between the two brothers. "Gerard, Mikey, are you guys going to the concert tonight?"
Gerard had a confused look on his face, he didn't knew nothing about a concert. "Hell yeah, we're going!" Mikey yelled while knuckle bumping Ray. Ray smiled and skipped away, with his cotoncandy-like hair, bouncing up and down.
Mikey, totaly ignoring what all just happened continued:"He said a lot, brother. I think you might get lucky, though, not soon."
Now Frank stole Mikey from Gerard, they're walking of togheter, to Frank's little car, they always do homework togheter after school. Damn, Gerard would like to be there. Doing 'homework'. Maybe biology?

Frank crashed on his coutch, his home was nothing like you would except. The living room was bright orange, the kitchen was an olive green and the dining room, in between was pitch black. You would think, that doens't fit, but it does, it really does.
All three members of the family are vegitarian, wich comes in really handy.

Alex wasn't really Frank's brother, he's was adopted, but they get along very well, outside school. Alex, by Ryan's side, joined Frank and Mikey in the living room.
Inside these walls, of this house, it was a common known fact, that both of the Iero suns, are gay. Ryan was Alex' boyfriend, but Frank didn't like Ryan. "It just doens't fit!" he always yelled and the only thing Alex could reply to that was a little tear rolling over his cheeck, a nod and then the words:"I know, I really do know Frank."
Frank looked at Ryan in full anger, he wasn't aloud here, if it depends on Frankie. 'Why is he still here?' Frank lips said, again without sound. Alex looked down. "Because, i'm afraid, Frank."
"Why!? He isn't going to hurt you!"
"Alex, do we have to talk, hunny?" his voice was to deep to be gay, his appearance was to tough and he's just trying to act 'sweet'. "Put the hunny in a jar, Ryan."
Frank giggled, Alex always says that to their mum when she goes: 'Hunny, what's wrong?'
Ryan bit his lip, he's such a bad actor. "I want you to leave, don't ever come back, i just don't like you, i don't like you're friends."
Now it was Frank's time to bite his lip, Gerard's his friend, right?
Ryan smiled. "You're joking!?" then tried to kiss him. "Fake Fag Falert." Frank mumbled. It should be 'Fake Fag Alert', but then it isn't FFF anymore, you know? "Frank, shut your damn mouth for two seconds, please?" Alex asked him, Frank nodded.
"You can't dump me, i'm dumping you, fag." Ryan said, calmly. He walked out the frunt door, giving everyone one quick wink and walking off.
"Jerk." Mikey mumbled. "It's okay." Alex smiled, with tears in his eyes.
Linda came in trough the back door and was putting all the groceries on the table, then noticed Alex, who looked at her for 2 seconds and then ran to the stairs."What's wr.." Linda started, but couldn't finish. "Put you're hunny in a jar, Mum!" he yelled angry, then stormed up the staires. "Ryan dumped him, well actualy he wanted to dump Ryan, but then Ryan said. 'You can't dump me, i dump you first!' or something, it's really sad indeed." Frank said while looking at his worn out Converse. "He'll be fine, then." Linda smiled and asked if they wanted to eat pasta, this evening. Frank nodded, "I'm not staying for dinner, mam. I'm going to go home now, see you at the concert, Frankie." Mikey said, then hugged him tight. "I'm nervous." Frank wispherd. "It's gonna be all right!"

20 minutes before the concert, Gerard's in his room doing his make up, again. "C'mon! We haven't got all day, y'know!" Mikey was beginning to lose his patience. "I'm ready!" Gerard screamed and jumped of the staires, grabbed his leather vest and walked out the door,"Bye mum!"
"Be careful!" Donna yelled, but the door was allready shut.

"Uh-uh.." Frank's cheecks were flushed with red. He was nervous, everyone looked at him as if they've seen him before, but didn't dirrectly think of Frank, he had orange hair now, it was a 'suprise'.
"We are pency prep, and this is our first song called: Fat and alone."
Ray started playing, just like the rest of the band, Ray played lead guitare. He really had some talent. Allmost immidiantly Frank started singing.
"Fat and alone
You're on your own
And nobody's calling on your telephone"
Gerard's head turned to Frank. "F-Frank..." he gasped. Mike laughed. "suprise.."
"It's his... Concert?" Gerard pushed people a side to get a more clear view.
"He's beautiful." he wishperd, it was more of a thought, but he just said it out loud, 'cause he could. Nobody would hear him, nobady did hear him. The music was just so fucking loud.

Note: It's Pretty Long? isn't it?
Well thanks anyways, for bassicly reading it all so far!
I'm updating now 'cause i have a day of.
Not sure if i'm going to update EVERY DAY!!
but, we'll see, right?

xoxo Liesch

ps; i just saw my last two charpters have gone gray, please R&R them?
i would love you FOREVER! and cookies ofcourse...
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