Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love! Gimme Love! Gimme Love!

You can run away with me anytime you want

by ZombiexCupcake 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-12 - Updated: 2011-02-13 - 719 words

A/N: R&R Enjoy :)

Gerard’s POV:

I walked back to the diner, holding onto the note tightly. Matt had a nice bruise on his face from me punching him and we weren’t on speaking terms. I honestly didn’t know who deserved it more. I kissed him too…and punched Matt…and slapped him. I felt like a monster. I sat down, away from everyone, reading the note over and over, looking for some sign of it being a sick joke. But everything about it was accurate. Notes from Korse were all over Frankie’s old house before we saved him. It was his exact handwriting on BLI parchment. He could’ve sent the note to freak him out. To scare him. But it seemed so sincere. Could it have been true? Could Frankie have been the daughter of the man that was trying to kill me? I looked down and put the note on the table. I stared at it for what seemed like hours. I finally looked up and faced the window. Frankie was sitting at the side of the road, bags packed, his motorcycle parked in front of him. he was obviously debating whether to leave or not. I ran outside, leaving the note on the table. he looked up at me then immediately looked back down. I kneeled next to him. “You can’t leave.”

“Why not? I’ve caused nothing but trouble. Heather hates me, I got Matt punched, I almost killed you…” he trailed off and started crying. I put my hand on his shoulder and began singing softly. Whenever he was like this I’d sing to him and he’d calm down.


When the lights go out
Will you take me with you?
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
And highways I call home
Is something I can’t know till now
Till you pick me off the ground
With your brick in hand, your lip gloss smile
Your scraped up knees and
If you stay I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want.
Terrified of what I’d be
As a kid from what I’d seen
Every single day
When people try
To put the pieces back together
Just to smash them down
Turn my headphones up real loud
I don’t think I need them now
‘cause you stop the noise and
If you stay I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want
Anytime you want
Anytime you want
Don’t walk away
Don’t walk away
Don’t walk away
Don’t walk away
‘cause if you stay I would even wait all night
Well or until my heart explodes
How long?
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
You can write it on your arm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want.


By then I was in tears. I had no clue what I would do if he left. he buried his face in my chest and sobbed.

“I don’t deserve you…” he said. “Either of you…”

“You’re right…” I responded. he looked up at me. “You deserve better. So much better than what either of us can give you,” I finished. he sobbed again and dried his eyes.

“Than run away with me. You said you would…” he said. I was shocked. “I want to be with /you/. Please, if we run away there would be no more war. No Better Living, no killjoys, no Battery City. Just us…wherever we end up.” It did sound nice. But I needed the killjoys. They were my family.

“Frankie I…”

“Please Gee…” he looked up at me with his gorgeous eyes like he used to always do when he wanted his way. “You know there’s a better life out there for us. It’s just waiting for us to find it. Please run away with me…please…”
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