Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire's will never hurt you........

Keep your soul like a secret in your throat....

by Unicorns-are-real 2 reviews

Frankie's interrogation, what has Jack got in store for him?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-19 - Updated: 2011-02-19 - 561 words

Jack's POV.

I slammed the teen back into the desk, smacking his chin off the hard surface. He looked up at me, a mixture of anger and pure fear in his large tawny eyes, his fringe was platered to his face from the small gash that bled on his forehead. I felt so bad doing this, he was only a kid! But it's my duty to proect the citizens of New Jersey from danger. From people like him.

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS!" I shouted at him, pity flooding me as he cowered against the wall, tears streaming down his face and he clutched his bad wrist to his chest. Blood spattered his chin where it had came into contact with the table top.

He sobbed, his small frame shook violently as he tried to compose himself,
"I-I-I w-w-won't tell y-y-y-you!" he growled between tears.
"you better tell him, scum!", katie shouted at him, raising a glass of holy water at him threateningly. To her's and my surprise, Frank chuckled.

Frank started to tense and his eyes became so dark that they were blacker than midnight. The dim light glinting of his lip ring. His teeth started to change shape and they became more jagged, like two sets of pearly white blades. I pushed Katie out of the room as he pounced, pinning me against the wall. His teeth were dangerously close to my neck as he whispered in my ear,
"Lets play a game of my own..."

Gerard's POV.

I missed him. Mikey missed him. Bob and Ray missed him too.
We sat in my room, The Misfits blaring loudly from my speakers.
"So....what do we do?" said Ray, turning the music down a noch. I looked up at him sadly,
"I-I dunno anymore, Ray." I sighed. "I've given up. I got no more ideas. I-I just want him back." My eyes started to burn again, I was gonna cry again. "For fucks sake!" I cried loudly, thumping my fist on the floor. "Why am I so fucking weak?!?!"

Bob sat next to me and patted my shoulder soothingly.
"It's okay, Gee. We'll get him back, somehow."
Mikey sat on the swivel chair at the computer desk, leaning on his elbows and ubbing his temples; deep in thought. Ray played with a peice of his curly locks awkwardly, watching the way it knotted between his fingers with an absent-minded look upon his face. The room fell into silence.

I stared at the posters on my bedroom wall, the Smashing Pumpkins one caught my eye - Frank loved Smashing Pumpkins. My eyes started to well up at the memories of Frank. I just wanted him back so badly. I had become a wreck without my best friend by my side. My hair had become greasy and fell far past my shoulders and I gave up on taming it since Frankie was taken. My eyes had lost their shine and my skin was paler. Colour had abandoned my face and only came to play across my features when I cried myself to sleep at night.

Mikey broke the quiet,
"I got it." he whispered. "I know how to bust Frank out."
He grinned and from that moment I knew we could get Frank back.

But the glint in his emerald eyes promised an awful amount of death......

And I liked it.
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