Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > So Wrong

Well I Was There On The Day, They Sold The Cause For The Queen...

by Alala19 3 reviews

Dylan has good news, and Max speaks with Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2011-02-19 - Updated: 2011-02-20 - 2348 words

I lay on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn, watching a random soap opera I had found whilst channel surfing. Frank and Mikey had gone out. They looked kind of dressed up. I thought I was odd that they had cleaned up just to ‘go over to Gerard’s’. Then again they’re boys. What more could I possibly expect?

There was a hurried knock on the door. I got up from my self proclaimed throne, and made my way to the front door. I amazed myself with my new found confidence. Dylan stood in front of me, when I finally opened the front door. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, and swinging his arms. I gave him a weird look and scrunched up my nose at how odd he looked.

“Guess who got the job?” he asked. His gleaming eyes and huge grin giving away the answer instantly.

“Congratulations!” I said, well more like yelled, as I flung my arms around his neck, standing on my tip toes to reach up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“We’re all gonna go out for a drink. Well, me you and Billy anyway.”

I gave him an ‘oh really’ look as I pulled away from him.

“We got Ben a babysitter. Well… we’re just paying the guy next door.” he said with a sheepish grin.

“I’m not sure I’m up for it.” I said scrunching up my face, and thinking it over. I’d be too tempted to have alcohol, and after last night I wasn’t really up for it. It’s definitely a road I did not want to take a trip down again.

“Oh come on. I’ll buy you soft drinks.” he said with an air that made him sound as if he believed it would be enough to tempt me. I made a noise, not really capable of being called a growl, but along those lines. I looked away from his excited eyes, looking more like orbs of blue.

“Fine.” I said tilting my head back and mentally kicking myself for agreeing. I knew exactly what I was letting myself in for.
“Go get ready. Shoo.” he said ushering me inside the house, and following me inside.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“What are you doing?” Dylan asked as I scribbled down a note on a piece of paper.

“Telling the guys where I am. They had a fit earlier.” I said, laughing, and recalling the memory of Mikey lecturing me as soon as I came home. It was then followed by a sigh of relief and him hugging me tightly, before ordering me upstairs for a shower.

“You’ve got some good potential friends there.” he said ruffling my hair as I stood up, leaving the note on the coffee table.

“That’s what Billy said.” I said with a smile, as I looked up at him. He just smiled, before allowing his eyes to look me up and down. He was obviously deciding whether my choice of outfit was appropriate for me to step outside in. I looked down at my tight black jeans, and my black and grey striped vest top.

“Come on then.” he said pushing me to the front door.

I felt his warm fingers brush the exposed skin on my back, as I opened the front door and stepped out.

“Tattoo is still looking good.” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Yep.” I said, as I locked the door behind me, before putting the key in my pocket. I didn’t take any money with me, because I was determined to hold Dylan to his words, and let him buy me drinks.

“I want another one.” I said casually as we got into his car.

“Awesome. Want me to design that one too?” he asked as he put the key in the ignition. He had designed all of my tattoos. The big back piece I had, composing of an angel, and various stars and butterflies was an art piece he created for college. I adored it so much; he altered it, so that I was able to have it as a tattoo.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I sat there watching the packed bodies dance and move along to the rhythm. The music so loud I could feel the chair beneath me vibrate along to the bass. I took a sip of my coke, and looked at Dylan and Billy who were making out.

“No more baby making” I said slapping Dylan on the back of his head. He looked at me with a glare before giving Billy a quick kiss on the cheek, and taking a sip of his Jack Daniels. I looked away quickly as the gold liquid brought back memories I desperately wanted to forget.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but snapped them open when I felt a pair of hands clasp around my wrists. I looked up to see Billy smiling down at me, before pulling me up and onto the dance floor. I tried to protest, and looked back at Dylan with a pleading look. He gave me a sadistic grin as he watched me being pulled onto the dance floor. I turned to Billy who began to move her hips to the dance music that possessed her body and allowed her to move naturally. I looked around me at the people packed together and moving just like Billy. I gave her a sorry look, before pushing my way back over to Dylan who smiled at me with a knowing smile.

“You fucker. Thanks for that.” I growled at him.

“I was wondering how long you’d last.” he said with a laugh. I glared at him as I sat down

“I need another drink.” I said randomly and turned to him expectantly. He rolled his eyes and gave me a couple of dollars.

“Get me another Jack.” he said.

I rolled my eyes mocking him, before making my way over to the bar. I felt a pair of eyes watching me as I ordered the drinks. I turned my head to the right to see a pair of dark eyes staring at me hungrily. The eyes looked me up and down, as if sizing me up.

“Can I help you?” I asked disgusted, looking at the middle aged idiot next to me.

“How about I have some of that ass.” he asked. I gave him a disgusted look before turning to pay the bartender. I felt him squeeze my ass, and I snapped.

“Back off you fucking freak.” I said pushing him away from me with force no one would expect from a girl my size. He approached me with an amused smiled, obviously unfazed by my action. I grabbed my drink, and chucked it over him. He looked at me like I was crazy. I glared at him and grabbed Dylan’s drink, and made my way back over to him.

I sat down and brought his drink towards my lips; the strong scent of whiskey meeting my nose, and re-awaking every sense in my body. The scent I’d longed for, for five whole years. The glass was snatched away from my hand.

“I don’t think so. No alcohol for you.” Dylan said sternly.

I turned to look at his stern expression, as he put the glass on the table. Keeping his eyes fixed on mine, for fear that I’d swipe it back if he looked away.

“Why not? You didn’t say anything when I drank last night.” I protested.

“Exactly. You’re not drinking two nights in a row.” he said with his stern ‘fatherly’ tone. His eyes boring into my own. “I’m not letting you get into that habit again.” he said softly. I softened my gaze and turned around again to watch the bodies move to the rhythm.

“What happened to your drink?” Dylan asked.

I turned my gaze to his. His eyes fixated on mine, as if trying desperately to read what was going on in my head.

“I chucked it on some guy.” I said simply.

His expression contorted to that of confusion, shock and amusement.

“He tried to grab my ass.” I explained, for him to burst out laughing.

“You’ve not changed at all have you?” he laughed, before we were interrupted, by Billy who once again had decided to join us.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I pushed the door open with my foot, and quickly stepped into the warm hallway. Although it’s June, the night air is bitter. I quietly shut the front door, and put the front door key back into my pocket. I heard a shriek of laughter, followed by numerous laughs. I frowned. Here’s me coming in at midnight, and trying to be quiet in case I wake anyone, and they are all in the living room wide awake, and laughing.

I walked into the living room and my eyes fell on a bunch of people. They all turned to look at me apart from Ray who was still laughing uncontrollably at only god knows what.

“Hey!” Frank said where he was perched in my ‘throne’.

“Hi.” I said back, before turning around. I didn’t want to disturb their little ‘midnight hang out’.

“Wait!” a voice shouted out, causing me to stop and turn back around. “Come join us?” Mikey said with a hopeful grin.

I went to protest, but Frank and Bob chorused with a childish ‘please’.

I looked around the room. Frank, Mikey and Alba were all on the sofa. Gerard and Ray were on the love seat, leaving Bob perched on the coffee table. Bob patted the space on the coffee table next to him, and gave me a warm smile. I sighed in defeat and made my way over to the coffee table, very aware of a person piercing holes into me mentally.

Everyone then became involved in two conversations. Gerard, Ray, and Frank, and then Mikey and Melanie, leaving me and Bob just sitting there.

“I’m sorry for anything I may have said whilst I was intoxicated.” Bob said with a sincere tone. I turned to look at him. His black beanie hat resting just before his twinkling eyes, which were shining down at me. I smiled and shook my head.

“Nah. You didn’t say much” I said with a small laugh, deciding not to tell him about how uncomfortable our conversation about Bobby had left me.

“Well that’s ok then.” he said with relief. I laughed and turned my attention to Alba, when she called my name.

“Cool tat.” she said with awe.

“Thanks.” I smiled, aware that everyone’s attention was now on our conversation about my body art.

“How many have you got?” Mikey asked.

I looked up at the ceiling, and bit my bottom lip in concentration, as I tried to recall and count all of my tattoos.

“Seven.” I said bringing my gaze back down to his. He raised his eyebrows. I smiled and turned away, as everyone became engaged in a conversation about Frank’s tattoos.

I once again became uncomfortable, and looked to my right to see Gerard glaring at me. I looked down at the floor and frowned, trying to recall anything I could have done to possibly bring on his new found hatred towards me. I couldn’t think of a possible thing, which I could have done to possibly offend him in such a way. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

I stared out of the kitchen window at the vast black space. It was too dark to make out, and distinguish the features outside. I felt a presence behind me, and instinctively turned around. Gerard stood there in the doorway, looking at me with his cold glare. I turned back around to the view out of the window. His gaze didn’t’ move from me, and I shifted the weight on my feet out of uncomfortableness.

“So you’re the reason my brother and Frank have been ditching me lately.” I heard his cold, patronizing voice stab me. I could hear in his voice that he was becoming closer to me. I shook my head, and tilted it to the side, with my gaze still on the dark space outside. Sometimes I wish the night would just consume me.

“So this is what this is all about?” I asked disbelievingly. It seemed a bit too petty, for a grown man to hate someone over. I heard Gerard snort, followed by an impression of a bird, and a chorus of uncontrolled laughter from the guys in the room next door.

“I don’t get it. You’re not even interesting.” Gerard said with a hint of amusement. Obviously getting a kick out of this.

“You know what?” I asked turning to him. His amused gaze staring down at me patronizingly.

“I didn’t ask the guys to ditch you for me.” I said bitterly, trying to keep my voice down. I didn’t want the other guys to hear this. “And I must be more interesting than you, if they ditched you for me.” I spat, before pushing past him and walking into the living room. I opened the door and was about my make my way upstairs when I was interrupted again.

“Where are you going?” Frank asked with confusion, and furrowed eyebrows. I looked to the doorway that Gerard was emerging through.

“Bed.” I said nonchalantly, as I glared at Gerard, who held a smug grin.

I turned around and walked through the door. I could hear Alba shout at Gerard as I walked up the stairs.

“What the fuck did you say to her?” she shouted with an annoyed tone.

“Not much” Gerard stated simply.

“You’re such a fucking idiot. Why can’t you just be nice to her?” Frank said. I sighed and cut off the rest of the conversation by closing my bedroom door.

*Authors Note:
Ahhhh Shittt. Bet you didn't see that coming, did you?
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